New launcher available! (rev. 3 by Jade on 10-26-19, 06:22 am)
Posted at 10-04-19, 03:54 am Link | #1
Arisa GM

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Joined: 02-06-17
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Hello everyone!

We're proud to announce that MabiPro is back online after the problems we faced two weeks ago! Our databases were alright and everything should be making a full recovery, though during this time some things may not be functioning correctly and we're working to get everything back to normal.

Due to unrelated circumstances, we can no longer use the domain, and will now be using instead. For this reason, you will need to download the new MabiPro Launcher version 2.2 to be able to connect to the game. To update your launcher, download the new launcher executable and insert it into your MabiPro installation directory.

We'd like to thank everyone for their patience with these issues we've encountered, and Drahan especially for his perseverance in restoring MabiPro.

The ongoing content poll will soon be concluded and addressed as normal.

Launcher changelog:
  • Changed backend patching server from to
  • There is now a close button in the launcher window.
  • It is now possible to set the version number from within the launcher for manual patching, which previously required a hex editor.
  • It is now possible to tell the launcher to download patches which are considered obsolete, which is how the launcher behaved before version 2.1.
  • A button has been added that will delete any existing patch files that are producing the "patch files already exist!" error.
  • An interface has been added to easily adjust game settings that require changes to the game's files themselves. This feature will be activated in the near future, without requiring a launcher update.
  • Functionality has been added for the launcher to prevent starting the game between the beginning of a game server update maintenance and the issuance of a mandatory patch.
  • The appearance of the loading bar has been overhauled.
  • ○∞ Above the highest misty peak. ∞○
post rev. 1 by hitokirinn on 10-13-19, 03:43 am
Posted at 10-13-19, 03:41 am Link | #2

Posts: 1
Joined: 10-13-19
Last post: 1980 days
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I just downloaded the full client install it and download the 2.2 but it doesnt open anything i get as well this message Failed to update: Patch files already exists!

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