Yo yoooo
Posted at 03-29-20, 07:04 pm Link | #1

Posts: 1
Joined: 03-29-20
Last post: 1811 days
Last view: 1804 days
Hey everyone. Just found out about this server. The whole Coronavirus situation had me revisit Mabi with my old character after like g12, and so much had changed I didn't even see a way to ever catch up to the new content and enjoy myself. I've poked out this server for a few hours and honestly I already love it. It's the Mabi I know and love and I'll probably want to play this casually a few times a week. (pretty busy irl)

Right now I'm thinking of maining an Elf Archer (maybe Golem/Alch for close range) because I never played the other races in Offical, nor did I ever try Range. I mained a Human Mage that mostly used Ice Spear so I'm also kinda hyped to try out a new playstyle too.

My char name is Holiday here, and rn I'm doing nothing but ranking WM lol. Hope to see some people around sometime.

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