Siren Partner Acquisition and Care Guide (rev. 6 by kayDee on 07-16-22, 12:10 pm)
Posted at 04-21-20, 10:05 am Link | #1

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Siren is the first and currently only partner-pet in Mabipro. Here’s a guide on how to get one for yourself, and how to take care of it. Warning: Siren partners are attached to your player character, and cannot be used with other characters on the same account.

To begin the process, you’ll need a Strange Gem, which sometimes drops from a Siren at the same moment she drops her mask. Siren can be found in Rundal Dungeon by using the Rundal Siren Pass. I recommend buying an Unrestricted Dungeon Pass from Shyla if you don’t have one.

In order to trigger Siren dropping the Strange Gem, you have to using a critical smash attack while she is very low hp, and have her survive the blow. My experience has been that her HP must be below 10%. While standing far away enough to not gain aggro, whittle down her HP using a rotation of pet smashes.

The recommended loadout is a Stiff Bipennis fully upgraded for critical hit along with as many hamster hunter enchanted equipment as possible to minimize your damage output. Chugging 10 Mana Potions (purchasable from Kurayama Village) can potion poison your Strength stat away as well. Another option is to give the Darkner pet your Bipennis and have him smash instead, as his low str and rank F smash will make sure to do very little damage against the Siren. If the Siren drops her mask but does not drop the Strange Gem, you were unlucky and must start a new dungeon run. It can take several attempts, so be patient!

Once you’ve obtained your Strange Gem, head on over to Corrib Valley. Squeeze down along the river on the southwest until you see an NPC Siren and a cave (sometimes the Siren is inside the cave). Showing her the Strange Gem will initiate a quest, but she refuses to talk to you until she can trust you!

Give the NPC Siren 4 Likeability Potions and she will give you a Siren Shard when you speak to her again. Once you've talked to her about the Strange Gem again, go to Aer in CEO island and give her a Flute. If you’ve been checking the hallway dead-end treasure chests during your Rundal runs, you should probably already have a Flute. If not, Neres/Effie/Briana sells them in their shops. You will also need to bring her 30 Sahagin Scales. They can be obtained from Sahagins in Rundal Basic, Rundal Siren, and the Tara custom shadow mission Blood in the Water (basic difficulty only). The shadow mission is the fastest way to farm the scales.

Talk to the NPC Siren again, and you will complete the quest to recieve a Siren Soul Gem. Use it to obtain your very own Siren partner!

post rev. 7 by kayDee on 07-16-22, 12:13 pm
Posted at 04-21-20, 10:07 am Link | #2

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Part Two: Taking Care of Your Siren

As soon as you first summon your Siren, you will receive another Soul Gem. It can only be used while your Siren is out, and using it allows you to communicate with your Siren. There is currently a bug that can cause you to soft lock if you attempt to use the Soul Gem while your Siren is not summoned. If you accidentally use the soul gem and receive an error message, it is best that you try not using it again or interacting with any NPCs until you first log out and log back in.

Additional basic details about taking care of your Siren can be given to you by speaking to the NPC Siren again. She will now also sell items for your Siren, from clothes, flutes, to hair dyes.

Siren partners are high maintenance. Keeping them happy is important to make sure they retain full functionality. Increasing your Siren's bond level will unlock more abilities and content for your Siren, which can be done by raising your likability points with her. Likability can decrease over time, so make sure to talk to her daily, make sure she is fed properly, and to do her part time jobs. Each bond level requires a little more likeability points than the last to increase.

Part time jobs can be done once every Erinn day, refreshed at midnight. The due date isn’t until the next midnight, so you could theoretically have up to 24 Erinn hours to do a part time job. They are simple and easy, though possibly tedious. Until bond 5, she will ask for one of the following: 10 berries, 10 small gems, 7 green gems, or 3 bottles of water. At bond 5 and higher, she can ask for 5 blue gems, 3 red gems, or to visit the river Siren.

At bond 5, your Siren will start rewarding your part time jobs with Bottled Seawater. You can create salt water candy using cooking (boiling) recipe saltwater (33%), olive oil (27%), and sugar (40%). The candy does something I'll update after testing.
post rev. 2 by kayDee on 07-16-22, 12:14 pm
Posted at 05-19-20, 04:04 am Link | #3

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Part Three: Additional Siren Content and Combat

In the cave where the NPC Siren lives is an altar to a hidden dungeon. It must be unlocked by dropping a Forest Light Fragment (found in Reoite Forest Ruins) and clearing the dungeon first. Once you've done this, you can access this dungeon whenever you want with any altar drop. The boss of the dungeon is a Water Gargoyle, which can drop Gargoyle body parts. The dungeon reward chest can have Strange Shards in it, which can be used as a pass to enter a special dungeon which has lots of cool Siren related stuff like enchanted masks (prime loot), partner hair style coupons, partner hair dye, healing flute upgrade stones, and Spirit Flutes.

Giving a Spirit Flute to your Siren will teach it intermediate magic. Your Siren can only have one of two (Thunder or Ice Spear) intermediate spells at a time, and the spells will be swapped out accordingly when you give her another flute. These spells are locked at rank F until a high bond is achieved.

Your Siren can equip anything a female human can, except for bows. She also cannot dual wield. Her stats and skills are magic oriented, but because she can benefit from equipment and enchants, it is possible to make your partner Siren a melee fighter.

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