Player-run screenshot contest hosted by Goldensun guild (rev. 3 by Darecrow on 08-07-21, 03:13 am)
Posted at 07-26-21, 05:31 am Link | #1

Posts: 47
Joined: 07-03-20
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Golden Sunday Screenshot Contest
8/8 is the anniversary of the creation of our guild, Goldensun, and as such we will be holding some fun minigames to celebrate. More details on other games will come next week, but today is the start of our Screenshot Contest. All players on the server are welcome to participate in these events.

The submission deadline is 8/6, and winners will be announced on 8/8 at the Golden Sunday event:

There are two categories, with a Grand Prize and Runner Up prize for each category. You may submit one photo to each category for a total Two entries in this event. If you work with someone, only one of you may submit the photo.

~Category 1: Fashion
Glamour shots go here. Outfit and Color coordination, as well as background, framing, and picture quality will determine your score. It should be a single-subject photo.

~Category 2: Scene
Photos of scenery or action, or photos that tell a story, go here. Let your imagination run wild. Set up your scenes well to win our judges over.

~Only 1 entry per category per person. You cannot submit 2 fashion entries or 2 scene entries. If you do, we will pick the first one.
~Two different players cannot submit the same photo. If you work together, you have to decide who is entering the photo.
~While mods for rendering or texture changes are allowed, no Hacking or going Out of Bounds will be permitted for this event.
~No photo editing is allowed, outside of cropping your image.
~Multiclienting to get additional subjects or use an alt for the cameraman is OK.

Submit Photos to this link or send them to Darecrow#0001 on Discord with your In Game Username and Category. We hope to see plenty of entries!

Tips for taking a good photo

Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen
Posted at 08-07-21, 10:18 pm Link | #2

Posts: 47
Joined: 07-03-20
Last post: 34 days
Last view: 1 day
Thanks to all of our entries! Voting and Judging is taking place now, and announcements will be made during the event on 8/8


Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen

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