Dyestuff Rerolling Explained (rev. 1 by Darecrow on 09-01-22, 06:45 pm)
Posted at 08-24-21, 11:14 am Link | #1

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"What the heck is dyestuff" has probably been asked by every player upon joining this server at least once in the past couple years. Since some people are confused on it, here's a short guide. Whether or not you find it worth doing after this is completely up to you.

Is an item found at any general store for 10k and becomes useful once you have high ranks of Potion Making, I believe it's r9 for the first recipe then r2 for the rest.

Dyestuff can be mixed with a Dye Ampoule to turn it into a Handmade Dye Ampoule. This changes the dye window from this

to this!

It also works on metal dye amps.

it does NOT change the original color palette for items. If it's leather, fur, or nylon, it's gonna stay that way, using either this handmade dye ampoule or a special dye ampoule. But there's another method for those palettes I'll explain below.

Fixed Dye Rerolling
around r2 potion making you can use dyestuff with Fixed Dye Ampoules. You can't use it with fixed metal, but who doesn't end up with a pile of dyes like this they can't use?

Grabbing some dyestuff and your bad dyes you can just throw them into your potion making window like this (I'd recommend doing it on monday or with a prod party) to turn them into Handmade Fixed Dye Ampoules. This isn't like live dye resynthing, where you mix it into a new random fixed dye and the new color is shown right away. You won't know the new color until the item has been used. You can find a list of those colors here!

Handmade fixed dye ampoules will change the dye window from the one we're used to, to this.

You can still select the color of the initial dye if you changed your mind, but by selecting the ? window and clicking go, a random color from the fixed dye list will be applied, INCLUDING pure blacks, pure reds, pure whites, flashies, and some colors that aren't in the fixed dye list from Shyla, like Neon Pinks and Oranges.
The color applied will be random and consumes the dye upon use, which means it can get expensive, but it yields nice results.
You can just get a simple random color like this,

or pure blacks and whites or flashies (can't really show it without a gif, but that's flashy red)

or make Leather, Pastel, Fur, and Nylon items a color you want through trial and error

The Professional Chef hat

uses the sprinkles palette, where pure white does not exist otherwise

and the Cressida gloves use the leather palette, where white is impossible.

But both have been turned white using this method.

Keep in mind that you get One Attempt per Dye you use, it's consumed on use, and you can't control what type of color you get. Maybe one day we'll get flashy dye stuff in the Cultist Candle shop or gachapon or something, but for now it's just 10k for an RNG save. The rate of Black and White is pretty high from my experiments with it, as well as other unique colors, so if you're burning your red coins to get a specific color fixed dye anyways or to get regular dye amps to get black or white, it might be worth doing the extra 10~30k gold sink to try some RNG dye rolls for your fixed dyes too if you don't like any of them. Happy Rolling!
Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen
Posted at 08-24-21, 02:55 pm Link | #2
Darth Johny

Posts: 19
Joined: 09-21-17
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Oh neat, good to know!

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