Game Server Maintenance 9/20
Posted at 09-20-23, 01:33 pm Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

Posts: 990
Joined: 02-06-17
Last post: 42 days
Last view: 7 days

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
09:45AM 09/20/23 to 11:45AM 09/20/23 (EST)
  • The Shadow Mission "Taillteann Defense Battle" loot drops has been revamped.
  • The Shadow Mission "Their Method" loot drops has been revamped.
  • The Dungeon "Peaca Basic" loot drops has been revamped.
  • Some equipments that have a "xml.itemdb" tag are now properly translated
  • A bug that causes Wedding NPCs to lock up during NPC Conversation is repaired.
  • The Food Buff Duration for "Tea" has been adjusted.
  • Magic Cast Speed Potion that Shyla sells at her shop price has been reduced.
  • Tin Potion that Shyla sells at her shop is moved to the Age Potion tab
  • The typo title for Maiz Prairie has been repaired
  • The typo quest for Ciar Basic HM Golem has been repaired
  • Special Upgrades was added for Quarterstaff

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff

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