Blacklisting players - the two types. (rev. 2 by Drahan on 07-01-17, 08:07 am)
Posted at 04-07-17, 09:07 pm Link | #1
Drahan GM

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Joined: 02-06-17
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Most people don't know this, but there is two blacklists for players in Mabinogi.

The primary method most people think of first is right clicking the player and hitting Add to Blacklist.
This makes the player disappear and their local chat messages, notes, and instant messages get ignored.
This is the "local blacklist"

However, there is a more powerful blacklist that is hidden in the options.

This blacklist will block players from sending you whispers, and block their messages from appearing in global chats.
This is the "global blacklist".
Posted at 04-08-17, 09:35 pm Link | #2

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Joined: 03-22-17
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hell yeah now i can blacklist that skype dude
[Posted by . on 04-22-17, 07:23 am, deleted by .]
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