Screenshot Contest and NPC Redesign Contest
Posted at 09-13-24, 11:02 pm Link | #1

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Joined: 07-03-20
Last post: 34 days
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Screenshot Contest
The time has rolled around again for another screenshot contest! We skipped Triona fest this year, but we can still have some fun and win some great prizes. As we have some new players lately too, this may be your first player event, and you are encouraged to participate! Whether you have ancient or surface level knowledge of this game, as long as you take a beautiful picture, you have a chance of winning!

Alongside the screenshot contest this time, we will also be having our first NPC REdesign contest! Similar to the NPC creation contest a few years back, this time you'll all be given one NPC to give an overhaul. Our target of ridicule: FERGHUS. Do you have what it takes to give him a makeover? To destroy and rebuild him? Can you fix him? Will he make you worse? Will you rewrite him to be broken in an entirely different way? It's up to you! More details of this can be found below.

~The Screenshot Contest Theme: A Secret Place!
The theme this time is "A secret place!"
Is there a spot in Mabipro that you particularly enjoy? How about one that you think just you know about? Set up a scene and share it with the rest of us! Who knows, maybe something special will happen there some day.
All entries for this contest are solo, but you may set up your photo with friends to create the kind of image you want. Players who assist others are also allowed to submit their own entries. The usage of alts for these photos is allowed. Avoid showing text or names in your photos, focus on visual storytelling, or evoking an emotion through the photo, whenever possible. Photos will be judged on a 5-point scale. Be sure to also include a Title and the Region your secret place is, such as in the example below:

Title: Isolated Living
Region: Nubes Mountains

You can only submit one photo, but if you make an error (such as a stray chat bubble or mob in the way that you didn't notice) and need to resubmit, you may so long as it's the same area and setup.

~The NPC Redesign Contest: Ferghus
A first for our player events, this challenge is to take an existing NPC and give them a makeover. This time, the focus is on fan favorite blacksmith, Ferghus!

Using your imagination and creative skills, your task is to come up with a brand new Ferghus, entirely up to you!

What Qualifies as a Redesign?
A redesign for this contest must fit this criteria: It must be Inspired by the current Ferghus, it must still fit within his Roles in the game, it cannot be a 1:1 fanart or existing work (you can't submit a screenshot from the youtube videos!! We'll know!!), and must be clothed in items that exist within the game.
You can change his outfit, hair, face, mannerisms, as long as we can tell it's him. You can solve his alcohol problem! You can make him an even worse blacksmith! You can put him on a body pillow! Almost anything goes! NO NUDITY

You can use the following methods to design a Ferghus:
Traditional or Digital Art, Character Creators like sig.kill (, The Sims, Dressing up in game, MS Paint, Cosplay, Sculpture, as long as you put the effort into it, you can submit a Ferghus for judging!

Methods that are NOT allowed:
No machine learning derived images may be submitted. Graffiti is also not allowed. Using existing images is also not allowed.

The prizes for this event are as follows.
Screenshot Contest:
2 Enchant protection pots, 2 Blutsaugers, Soluna Blade, 100 red coins, Flipend0 Body Pillow, 15 Million worth of Servant Coupons

NPC Redesign Contest:
2 Enchant protection potions, a Miko or Tengu Outfit (you choose), Soluna Blade, 100 red coins, Flipend0 Body Pillow, and 10 Million worth of Servant Coupons

How to Submit
Submissions will be accepted via discord through the MabiPro Players Discord. Ping or send a DM to user Darecrow, and then submit your entry through DM. When submitting, please provide your in game username, state the Title and Location of your photo for the screenshot contest, and/or the changes you made to Ferghus and why.

The Deadline for submitting your photo will be Wednesday, September 25th, until midnight EST. Winners will be announced during Banquet the following Saturday.

~Only 1 entry per category per person. You cannot submit 2 entries for either. If you do, we will pick the first one.
~Two or more different players cannot submit the same photo. If you work together, you have to decide who is entering the photo. All entries for this contest are Solo.
~While mods for rendering or texture changes are allowed, no Hacking or going Out of Bounds will be permitted for this event.
~No photo manipulation is allowed, though you may crop your image, adjust light levels, or splice 2 images to your best ability.
~Multiclienting to get additional subjects or use an alt for the cameraman is OK.
~You may log in and play as your pets for posing and angling.
~Please use ctrl+n, ctrl+p, and hotkey "/" to hide player names, chat, and interface.

Tips for taking a good photo

~Using a second client with a character that can play dead is useful for lining up good angled photos of yourself, rather than having the camera centered on you.
~Having a second client use a Tower Cylinder can provide an entirely unique angle and framing!
~ Press ctrl+N and ctrl+ P to hide names and parties, and use \ to hide all windows for a clearer workspace.
~Clicking outside the Mabipro window and using prtscr or a program like lightshot will get you a higher quality photo than mabinogi’s built in screenshot tool, and will get you a higher score.
~Using light sources well will improve your score. Some in game examples of unique light sources are lamp posts, handcrafted torches, magic music, blinker beams, and glowing trees.
~Props such as mimic statues, dropped items, housing furniture or tools, and Installed Alchemy structures can add extra subject and rhythm to your photos. Try it if you feel you need something extra!
~Action refers to what's happening in the scene. How are they interacting? Does the photo tell a story? Thinking about what you can do and how you can make it work in a photo will boost your score.
Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen

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