8th Anniversary Screenshot Contest - Postcard
Posted at 02-09-25, 12:44 am Link | #1

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Joined: 07-03-20
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8th Anniversary Screenshot Contest ~ Postcards from Mabipro!

Another year passes by for those of us here at MabiPro, and with the anniversary event upon us, that means it's also time for another player screenshot event! This time the theme is Postcards from Mabipro! Do you have a favorite area in game? Have you ever had it in your head what some buildings are or should be? Special scenic spots you want to share with others? This is the event for you! Take a photo of this area as if you're going to send it to an out of town or out of country friend and you're out on vacation (or to a friend you'd like to play mabipro with!), to let them see what they're missing!


Simply take a nice photo, staged with friends or as a natural, empty landscape, of your favorite location in game. Imagine the postcards you see while on vacation or holiday, for all the sightseeing attractions for cities and tourist spots, and emulate that. The use of image macros/editing for text on your photo is completely okay! If you'd like, feel free to add a letter attached to the back, if you're really into it. Once you finish, send your image to me before the 16th for entry, where it will be judged and given a score. The highest scores get the prizes!

~Only 1 entry per category per person. You cannot submit 2 entries for either. If you do, we will pick the first one.
~Two or more different players cannot submit the same photo. If you work together, you have to decide who is entering the photo. All entries for this contest are Solo.
~While mods for rendering or texture changes are allowed, no Hacking or going Out of Bounds will be permitted for this event.
~No photo manipulation is allowed, though you may add text, crop your image, adjust light levels, or splice 2 images to your best ability.
~Multiclienting to get additional subjects or use an alt for the cameraman is OK.
~You may log in and play as your pets for posing and angling.
~Please use ctrl+n, ctrl+p, and hotkey "/" to hide player names, chat, and interface.

How to Submit:
Submissions will be accepted via discord through the MabiPro Players Discord. Ping or send a DM to user Darecrow, and then submit your entry through DM. When submitting, please provide your in game username, any title you'd like to give your postcard, and any additional information if (if you'd like to add a letter to it!).

Please submit them by February 16th!


First Place: 2 Enchant Protection Potions, 1 Adventurer's Heavy Blade, 100 Red Coins (pink)
Second Place: 2 Iridescent Herbs, 1 Slate of Treetops, 50 Red Coins (pink)

Tips for taking a good photo

~Using a second client with a character that can play dead is useful for lining up good angled photos of yourself, rather than having the camera centered on you.
~Having a second client use a Tower Cylinder can provide an entirely unique angle and framing!
~ Press ctrl+N and ctrl+ P to hide names and parties, and use \ to hide all windows for a clearer workspace.
~Clicking outside the Mabipro window and using prtscr or a program like lightshot will get you a higher quality photo than mabinogi’s built in screenshot tool, and will get you a higher score.
~Using light sources well will improve your score. Some in game examples of unique light sources are lamp posts, handcrafted torches, magic music, blinker beams, and glowing trees.
~Props such as mimic statues, dropped items, housing furniture or tools, and Installed Alchemy structures can add extra subject and rhythm to your photos. Try it if you feel you need something extra!
~What's happening in the scene. Who are the characters? How are they interacting? Does the photo tell a story? Thinking about what you can do and how you can make it work in a photo will boost your score.
Minigame Host, Guild Leader, Mental Breakdown waiting to happen

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