Posts: 87
Joined: 03-21-17
Last post: 779 days
Last view: 474 days
Talked with Drahan that I noticed there was a fair "big" list of Manuals and Patterns (life skills related) in the DB but not implemented to be obtained by normal means, so I asked if it was possible to send them over a list of those, Drahan requested that the list is posted on the forums to make easier for everyone to see it, This list will make it easier for the Devs to know what's in and what isn't in, and a bit of suggestion from the users in how to implement them, be via NPC shops or dungeon/SM/TM drops.
This if confirmed implemented, can then be updated on the wiki of the server.
Name -----------------------------------------------------Rank------------------------Possible way to Obtain it.
Bangle of the Far East--------------------------------A
Kirinusjin's Half-plate Armor (F)------------------A
Wave Bangle---------------------------------------------A
Arish Ashuvain Armor (M)--------------------------9
Arish Ashuvain Boots (F)----------------------------9
Birnam Plate Boots------------------------------------9
Kirinusjin's Half-plate Armor (M)-----------------9
Claus Knight Gauntlet--------------------------------9
Arish Ashuvain Armor (F----------------------------8
Basil Gimlet Gauntlets-------------------------------8
Claus Knight Boots------------------------------------8
Leminia's Holy Moon Armor (F)------------------8
Leminia's Holy Moon Armor (M)-----------------8
Thames Plate Boots----------------------------------8
Birnam Plate Gauntlets-----------------------------7
Steel Claw------------------------------------------------7
Tioz Armor (F)-------------------------------------------7
Tioz Armor (M)------------------------------------------7
Basil Gimlet Armor------------------------------------6
Thames Plate Gauntlets----------------------------6
Birnam Plate Helmet --------------------------------5
Claus Knight Armor-----------------------------------5
Winged Helm--------------------------------------------3
Birnam Plate Armor ----------------------------------2
Thames Plate Armor----------------------------------1
Let me clear regarding the Thames and Birnam set, we all know that its already in-game, Birnam can be obtained from Hardmode dungeons, and Thames Boots via Balloning(not manuals, the actual item) but crafted items are always better, by checking the wiki, the current wiki states that the items can be obtained on the NPC Lileas with JP, but after checking on and my own server, nothing, tried checking on the DB about it, nothing aswell, I know for a fact that the item is on the DB, both Mabi pro and mine, but Im not 100% the manuals are, the idea is still there, where to obtain the items I think its the comunity that should come together and brain storm ideas in how to get these manuals, most if not all come from Gachapons and silly events heavy RNG based.
To be updated.