High packet loss on back end infrastructure (rev. 2 by Drahan on 04-17-17, 07:29 pm)
Posted at 04-17-17, 06:58 pm Link | #1
Drahan GM

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The packet loss seems to have subsided.

At 2:52 PM EST, we started detecting high packet loss on our backend infrastructure.
This packet loss seems to be universal amongst all of our monitoring systems, which isolates the problem to our back end server's network.
Currently on the phone with the datacenter, and seeing what can be done about resolving this quickly.
However, that is all of the control that I have over the situation. Nothing that I can do myself to resolve this, as it's not an issue with our systems.
This packet loss is severe and will most likely impede your ability to login and play the game.
Thanks for the understanding.
Posted at 04-17-17, 07:01 pm Link | #2

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Ahh, was wondering why that was happening. Honestly thought it was just my Wi-Fi being dumb again.
I do hope it gets resolved soon
Posted at 04-17-17, 07:04 pm Link | #3

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Thanks for the update Drahan.

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