Posts: 106
Joined: 05-12-17
Last post: 2190 days
Last view: 1623 days
Hello fellow milletians,
I'm experiencing a strange unique freeze each time I launch the game:
It's either on the first boss cutscene I see or the first time I quit the mailbox menu (yes it seems strange but it's reproducible). The freeze last approximately 1 minute and then I'm good until I close the game and start it anew.
I would have guessed it's specific to my computer but a friend got the same freeze on a boss cutscene (although we were in a party so it might be due to my freeze that he also got stuck even if it shouldn't be the case). He only wanted to test the game so he probably won't play again to check if it's reproducible for him.
I'm running windows 10 and it's not due to any mod (since I didn't use any at first and got that from the very beginning).
Is anyone else also experiencing such a freeze ? And is there a known cause and/or solution ?
Thanks in advance for your answer.