Mp Pots (rev. 1 by pepole12 on 04-03-19, 10:42 pm)
Posted at 04-03-19, 10:38 pm Link | #1

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Why no sell in npc?
so i posted in the wrong category and i'm sorry.
Posted at 04-07-19, 03:13 am Link | #2

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Since nobody else answered this its because mana potions are much more powerful than life or stamina potions. Mana shield in this generation not only factors in defense and protection, but it also has a better rate damage rate than life and cannot be wounded. If stores just sold mp30s, hp30s would be worthless. Additionally mana is supposed to be the bottleneck for spellcasters similar to alchemy crystals for alchemists that makes you decide how to use your skills intelligently rather than just spam them (unless you have the gold or potion making skills to prepare potions)
Posted at 04-08-19, 03:35 am Link | #3

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Alistine, that's not even really correct. Do you have any idea how easy it is to farm up MP30s-50s (and even 100s for higher end players)? It's only an issue, getting those potions, for new players who can't easily farm them, and at that point, mana shield isn't high on their radar of things to rush instead of getting skills to actually complete content. At that same time, most content will still drop HP and SP 30s while the same content will either rarely drop MP 30s or drop MP 10s.

My elf alone, who normally party heals/heals like mad, crash shots, or mirage missile a lot, has well over 5 stacks of MP 30s from doing almost nothing.

It's true it's a bottle cap for mages...EARLY game mages. Once my mage was able to actually DO content, I was able to swim in mana pots (Until the point that i stopped running content that gave pots while still using magic for a short time) Crystals aren't a real bottleneck as they're sold in 4 different locations, stack high, and aren't too expensive for a skillset that hits REALLY hard early on (but later flat lines without extreme work) (Crafted ones are another story, but that's a few skills, only three of which are damage and one of which you can't even do anything with really until g12 + a book quest from hell)

Anyway, pepole12, there's a new NPC in a new village that sells MP10s for a small price of...I wana say 200g a pop? He's in Ciar lobby on the weekends.
Posted at 04-08-19, 06:06 am Link | #4

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I meant crystals as in all the alchemy crystals that ARENT sold. And sure, you can farm mana potions, but its the exact same as farming crystals. Its an intentional time sink and investment required to use your skills to the fullest. And drinking mp10 potions will pot poison you faster than you can imagine, not to mention that it'd break your j key.

Also crash shot/ mirage missile can be offset easily with meditation alone, when I'm talking about magic I mean hailstorm/fireball/thunder which actually DO eat mana. And again, its not about how beginners could use items, its about how the items were made with game balance in mind, which is why you could safely ignore mp10s since they're from custom content, IE not part of the original game design. How many people outside of dk spammers like ihzi could you actually see buying hp30s if mp30s existed? 0 since mana shield is more than twice as effective as life, and much easier to stack at a much lower cp cost.

I'm not saying there aren't ways to get around mana as a bottleneck, but the current system was specifically designed to prevent people from having free and open access to unlimited pools of blue.
Posted at 04-08-19, 11:42 am Link | #5

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That face when MP pots being sold was never a development decision and the original developers are actually just shit devs who hate magic
Posted at 04-08-19, 01:04 pm Link | #6

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I'm going to stop you right there with... Who the hell buys HP pots anyway that isn't a brand new player? The only potion I've ever bought that I can remember buying since I started playing this two years ago has been stamina pots, and that's only because Alchemy drains my SP so damn fast. Also, you're trying to tell me that this was a 'good' balance idea because of mana shield... When mana shield came out in g7 (or g8).....? If devcat had any idea of what 'balance' was, mana shield wouldn't' be the way it is now to begin with.

I'm going to have to stick with Blighty on this one. Later content has mobs all dropping the same Tier of pot, EG: They drop a hp50, so they also drop an sp50 or mp50 or all 3. Gen 1-3 content does not normally, or at least they made it more rare. Things that drop hp30s either don't drop mp pots, drop mp10s, or RARELY WITH 2x drop mp30. While farming up 10 white wolf scrolls I got maybe 2 MP 30s. While doing Roite (which uses generation Iria and a few G9 mobs, all of which are after director shift) mp 30s were a consistent and common drop, right along side hp and sp 30s.

And you're right, the new medi buff allows me to use those two skills more frequently without needing to pot, that simply cannot be said for base game meditation before lives buff. 13.3 seconds per single MP during the day and 4.4 seconds per single MP at night for rank F. It got as strong, back then, as 9.5 sec to mp during the day, and 3.2 sec to mp during the night for rank 9, the cap.

Let's not forget that magic is the least effective in the early game, both recourse to damage, and time. This only ever hurt it more in the early days of live.
Posted at 04-09-19, 07:09 am Link | #7

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I'm too lazy to write a paragraph so I'll respond with one word:ciar
Posted at 04-19-19, 11:09 pm Link | #8

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doesnt the new npc sell mp 10s?
Posted at 05-15-19, 10:31 pm Link | #9
Darth Johny

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MP potions are easy to come by. Not to mention easy to make. *shrug*
Run some dungeons/ mission and you'll be swimming in them in no time.

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