How long have you been playing Mabi?
Since it started
59 (37.82%)
5+ years
78 (50%)
2+ years
9 (5.769%)
<1 year
10 (6.41%)
Multiple voting is not allowed. 156 users have voted so far.
Posted at 07-26-17, 01:15 am Link | #61

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Joined: 07-25-17
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I've been playing on and off since 2011. I probably have a couple of years experience. Just joined here today though. lol
Posted at 09-03-17, 07:18 pm Link | #62

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Been playing since 2013, with on and off hiatuses that amounted to about a year's time. Been about two weeks now since I joined up here.
Posted at 09-05-17, 10:56 am Link | #63
Alexa White

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Lol! Just went into mabi when MabiEU was Beta (G2) and till the end.
After transfer to NA - don't played.
Last screen from EU in day of shutdown.
Posted at 09-07-17, 01:55 pm Link | #64

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I've been playing on Ruairi server since 2009, no breaks. This server is a lot of fun to play, it is the game I fell in love with.
Posted at 09-12-17, 04:17 am Link | #65

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I had a 2nd Anniversary Mongo's Hat, so atleast since the 2nd Anniversary.
Posted at 09-12-17, 11:27 am Link | #66

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G8 for me. Yeet.
Posted at 09-21-17, 06:43 pm Link | #67
Darth Johny

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Since 2008, post beta.
Posted at 09-22-17, 06:03 am Link | #68

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Been playing since July 2008! I took a break here and there, of course
Posted at 09-17-18, 09:32 am Link | #69

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I started the original version in August and I played 1-2 weeks, then I came to this server and it's been about 1 week that I play. I'm New player on this game ^^
Posted at 09-17-18, 11:47 am Link | #70

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Also same.

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