post rev. 3 by mesmerrow on 04-24-17, 06:09 pm
Posted at 04-23-17, 01:49 am Link | #

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Started within the first 15 minutes of the opening of Mabinogi eu closed beta, and never looked back,
i did take a few breaks every now and then, leaving for a month or three, however as time went on i took longer and longer breaks, that was mostly because of the fact that i didn't have anyone to play with, i was pretty much always alone both in eu and na.
I did have a few online friends back in eu and even na, but people never play for much at a time, they always leave sooner or later and you are left alone again.
I never really found that dedicated group of players some people seem to mention in Mabinogi global.
Even after being thrown into Mabinogi na.

This game is like writing a contract in blood, you always return no matter how far you go.

Also had the Beta Tester title in Mabinogi eu, and was proud of it.
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:00 am Link | #

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I realized this forum does not have an "introduce yourself" thread yet, so i decided to make one.

It's easy just:
Introduce yourself
Tell us how you found Mabinogi Professional
And don't forget your in game name (optional)
post rev. 4 by mesmerrow on 04-23-17, 02:57 am
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:47 am Link | #

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I been playing since the very first few minutes of Mabinogi Europe's closed beta, i met a few nice people that i added and played with some more when the game launched into it's official release, i had my closed beta tester title (was proud of it) and from there on out, never looked back.
I got a few friends into mabinogi, but because of the games time consuming nature and slow progression pace, they never really got into it, only a single friend i knew in real stayed, and even he only played every now and then.
I clearly remember when things when south in Mabinogi eu and the hacking/cheating happened, i tried to stay safe as best as i could, and i did so with success, however the game itself, was not as lucky, some people were crashing the server left and right as they pleased, (because they could) and there was no response from any gm's of any sort (if there was ever any Mabinogi eu gm's) we were soon told that Mabinogi eu would close its doors, but that we where going to be allowed into Mabinogi North America.
I jumped into Mabinogi na the moment eu players were officially allowed to and started over of course, not only did i make much better choices, i also had more information on what to do and not to do with my character.
As time went on i met new people every now and then and had a blast, however mabinogi started heading into questionable paths, new content unrelated to the celtic themes mabinogi had been all about started to vanish, stories and content were starting to become unrelated to the core content mabinogi once introduced, too many cutesy outfits and blinding dye colors, too many pay to win cash shop items, as i once could proudly say that Mabinogi didn't have any pay to win content in it's cash shop, things were starting to change, the themes in terms of items, stories, clothe, skills and even the world that Mabinogi once established started to change into these different themes and systems, that was not only added and left to rot, but was never updated alongside the game itself or as new content came along.
I slowly started to lose intrest, little by little, i took longer and longer breaks, i started with weeks that became months, (i left for 3 months at a time sometimes.) and before i knew, i had lost most of the interest i once had for this game,
fewer and fewer people were running dungeons or doing anything besides afk'ing, it was getting increasingly hard to find people to play with, and the glory days of bumping into some random groupe with random armor sets holding swords and wands, asking to join them and doing a few dungeons along side them having fun and cracking jokes where something that started to feel like a lifetime ago.
People were few and unwilling to play the game, a game dumped down just for them to start jumping into some dungeons, however not even that could get them to move, after all they should be careful not to lose any durability on that 90mil ice white suit or pair of jet black wings.

Until today where i was told by an old Mabinogi played i once spend some of the greatest time i ever had on Mabinogi with that there was this private server called Mabinogi Pro, i had for a long time been searching for the possibility of a decent Mabinogi private server or at least some hint that someone out there was working on one.
I jumped in today and read some posts, gm's seems mature from the few comments i read and people seems to be nice, tho a bit too "hardcore" in my opinion, as i often feel that i sometimes need a hand in determining certain stuff like skill training and so on.

I'll be downloading and playing later today, please don't hesitate to add me.

Posted at 04-23-17, 03:32 am Link | #

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As you can see a picture is already set in my account without ever uploading it, now i know this login system might be tied to some other service outside of Mabinogi Professional, however the question is, what service ?
Since i really want to change that picture.
(Yes i used that picture once, no idea where however.)
Posted at 04-23-17, 03:34 am Link | #

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Ohh that was fast, i feel stupid too for wasting your time.
But i did look for a similar thread.
Posted at 04-24-17, 12:51 am Link | #

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So after spending my first day playing on Mabinogi Professional i have to say, i am impressed.
However one thing that bothers me greatly is the hotkey setup, for some really odd reason the 1 to 9 buttons does not all work on my end, while most of them do activate the F1 to F9 hotkey bar as they should, an example is the number 1 not activating the F1 hotkey, but instead just cancels other skills activated, i been looking around the hotkey setup to determine if the number 1 is perhaps bound to another action/key, but that's not even the case.
So i simply gave up and decided to make this thread asking for info on how to properly setup the hotkeys under the options tab.
Posted at 04-24-17, 01:04 am Link | #

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I remember a friend of mine spend so much time looking for that robe a few years back on the North American Mabinogi server, and he just started here on Mabinogi Professional.
I am sure he would be both surprised and glad to see it available, besides it's just a fancy and good looking robe at the end of the day, not going to create any issues for the game as far as i can see.
Posted at 04-24-17, 01:06 am Link | #

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Ohh i see, good to know !
Again thanks a bunch.
post rev. 1 by mesmerrow on 04-24-17, 06:00 pm
Posted at 04-24-17, 01:53 pm Link | #

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I could not find any thread mentioning this so i decided to make a thread about it myself.

I understand that this is common knowledge for most people, but i want to remind people about it anyway.
This is a private server, not affiliated with Devcat Studio (the official developers of Mabinogi) nor Nexon (the official publisher of Mabinogi)
that means that this server is hosted and run by a group of people not affiliated with Devcat or Nexon in any way, shape or form.
That leads me to my next subject, be careful where you mention Mabinogi Professional,
promoting Mabinogi Professional is important, as making people aware about it would then in turn create larger streams of people playing here in Mabinogi Professional, however be aware of where you chat or promote Mabinogi Professional as it could easily lead to trouble for the team behind Mabinogi Professional.

I would personally say, avoid the official Mabinogi forums at all costs, it might not lead to any immediate trouble but it's definitely a risk,
use unofficial forums, Discord and so on instead.

After all, no one here would want Mabinogi Professional to close it's doors because of such a simple mistake.
Posted at 04-25-17, 01:08 pm Link | #

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I been thinking about this for a few days now and i really think Mabinogi Professional needs a promotional video,
something to showcase what Mabinogi Professional is all about.
Forget the post card style video Mabinogi na made, that simply made Mabinogi look like some kind of gaia online or second life X(

What Mabinogi Professional could do is showcase the more known pre update content that really made the game harder or more complex, something that shows us that this is Mabinogi Pre easy mode, something that would get the attention of the Mabinogi veterans,
while still showing the fun sides of Mabinogi for everyone new and old to enjoy in the video.
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:43 am Link | #

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When the shadow missions where "relatively" new back then during Mabinogi Eu ("relatively" cause we got huge updates and where more or less spammed with content.)
I was excited, the stories about this new realm of war and the possibilities, i imagined a realm where the formers were in constant war against the milletians pushing the frontlines back and forth all the time, taking over these outposts in a huge war zone.
That dream quickly shattered when i was able to and started doing shadow missions, it was just linear quests set in a level/stage like format nothing more nothing less.
It also didn't help that Mabinogi Na's shadow missions where the exact same, despite being multiple updates ahead of Mabinogi Eu, and after that, the shadow missions were never mentioned or updated again sadly.

My suggestion is a hard one if not impossible to implement, but i want to express it and let people decide.
The shadow realm is always full of fomors, and not just any formor savages but formors with plans,
My idea is that a destination to the shadow realm could lead to an endless war where humans and formors fight, these places of course have to be huge like really large with small towns, camps, towers and so on, as the lines are pushed against the formors, stronger formors appears and the opposite would spawn weaker formors of course, these fights should of course not be one large battlefield with lots of formors to fight, but also have certain objectives, like territory control, where milletians could take over certain territories and enable humans to spawn in that territory, towns and camps could also have treasures or valuables among chests and crates, having better loot the further you push and move into formor territory.
There could also be certain objectives that would lead to caches containing weapons or medicinal supplies that would strengthen or heal nearby humans and milletians in large areas acting like time limited buffs.

Of course issues like "what if a milletian is strong enough to reach the other side of the battlefield" or "how to balance out the humans and formors fighting one another in a way that would make the battles fair for both armies" and many more questions easily pop out, but this is of course just a suggestion and something i been thinking about for a long time now, so i decided to share it with all of you, let me know what you think of this suggestion/idea and of course share your own extensions and thoughts to refine said idea.

Thanks for reading
post rev. 4 by mesmerrow on 05-28-17, 02:34 am
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:26 am Link | #

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(language please.... ) I definitely agree with this one, but i also think it's something that will be implemented sooner or later.

4. Wait, These Things Aren't Post-Genesis!?
While it could be fun to bring some of the later skill sets into the game, we have to remember that almost if not all of the enemies could not properly fight you if you were using most of the later implemented skill sets. (except the bard skill set )

5. Inventory Tabs
I was under the impression we got the extra bag specifically for that purpose ?
(quest items)
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:31 am Link | #

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I think every gatherable item that relates to part time jobs should be stackable to at least the amount requested in the part time job quest.

But i do agree with the ore stack limit being tweaked.
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:39 am Link | #

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Any reasons why Courtney left ?

I understand if it's a private reason private.
post rev. 1 by mesmerrow on 11-24-17, 06:55 pm
Posted at 11-24-17, 06:23 pm Link | #

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Now before everyone flames and trashes this thread let me explain my part of the story.

Over the years i have been casually telling people about Mabinogi whenever it's relevant and the conversation allows it of course, but more often than not when anyone i have talked to about Mabinogi i get one of the two reactions, #1:"It's..old...i may give it a try someday..." or #2:"Never heard of it, not interested" The first reaction means that the person in question won't actually give the game a chance because he/she/it has been turned off by the graphics, stiff animations or similar, while the second reaction is from someone that already plays "the currently best mmo in the world" (World Of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, Lord Of The Rings Online and so on) so why take steps back and play something like Mabinogi?

This thought also stems from the fact that over the years i been playing Mabinogi i have only managed to get 2 out of many people to actually play Mabinogi, and even they have stopped playing by now.

I know that Mabinogi isn't that popular and quite old by today's standard, but this has happened even among people that still play and enjoy older games.

Is it just me or have this happened to you too? or am i doing something wrong?
Posted at 11-26-17, 04:15 pm Link | #

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To be fair, I've had my fair shares of friends, ex-lovers, even my current fiance say that Mabinogi is a big turn off. When I ask why that it is, the most common answer is mostly bad graphics. Others include that is has bad art style or the combat is funky. I look at them like they're crazy because not every game out there is going to be perfect. If there is I want to know this game is and why people like it.

The way I like to see in many games such as Mabinogi or RuneScape or even SecondLife to name a few games I play is that they should be about the community, and the enjoyment of having fun and interaction with others.

I get where you are coming from, and I really wished that people would stop judging a book by the cover, and actually try to give a game with harsh graphics such as Mabinogi a chance. But sadly and harshly we do have to realize that not many people like the idea of Mabinogi and/or the graphics isn't for everyone. Everyone likes new-age graphics like the ones you have mentioned and many others.

So to answer your question, Mabinogi isn't a bad game... it's just not for everyone.

Spot on, i been saying that Mabinogi isn't for everyone for years, but what i think you missed is that Runescape managed to become mainstream during the heights of it's popularity, Mabinogi didn't.

Another thing i often think is the reason many overseas games (non european, american mmo's) fail is because of the process of bringing these games to the west, it simply takes too long, and by the time they arrive it's about to be if not already too late, and gaming have evolved beyond such mechanics, graphics and so on, i am sure Mabinogi would have been more popular had it been released in america and europe a few years earlier,
It also didn't help that Nexon completely stopped promoting the game in any way, shape or form.

As if they are just waiting for it to die at this point...
Posted at 11-26-17, 04:35 pm Link | #

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Combat is unique, Social aspects were unique(when it came out) at this moment, even if those are unique even on this day an age, people have the mindset that graphics are everything(a wrong mindset, heck how many point and click games, old ones, I played that are amazing? even to this day? Monkey Island guys? Loom? pshh could name a heck load more)
Putting it simple, for people to regain interest in "Mabinogi" or something close to it, someone would have to pick up on the "base" of this game and make something new/fresh, retaining the aspects of this one with updated graphics, and when I say updated graphics I don't point at something like Tera(Fuck skimpy outfits and the lolis) I mean graphics on par with Lets say RO2 with Physics? that would be enough I think.
But again, opinions, I step away from official due to how Nexon is Publishing/Monetizing tjhe game and the weird changes they implemented, some where welcome, lets be honest, the Begginer quests even on the current version we go are clunky at best, and revamping the starting experience of the game was a good move, changing how the combat worked and implementing weird skillsets that feel out of place on the universe of Mabinogi *Cough* Ninja *Cough* Gunner *Cough* now that shit was to me one of the big turn offs.
But, we got to save us from the shittyness of Nexon so, all good?

I totally agree that we need a new game like Mabinogi, problem is i think even Nexon don't know what the Mabinogi community want, they keep trying to force the dark and gritty story and graphics on us and that's what in the end killed Mabinogi Arena, i think what people really want is a Mabinogi remake and not a dark, gritty sequel, prequel, side story, yes i know that a lot of people currently playing Mabinogi on the official servers would get pissed off that they have to start over on a new remake of the same game, but that's a small issue compared to keeping the current Mabinogi suffering until it's eventual death, it's a small price to pay in order to keep playing what you enjoy with many new people and have a game you enjoy renewed and enhanced for modern gameplay.

I was however talking about Mabinogi as a game, i didn't differentiate between the official Mabinogi and Mabinogi professional, both of them have issues, it's just that one of them is less about "Mabinogi" and more about everything else they care to add or implement.

There is plenty of quality of life updates and such on the official Mabinogi servers, i guess that's the price we must pay in order to play Mabinogi like it was meant to be played here in Mabinogi Professional.
Posted at 11-26-17, 05:07 pm Link | #

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I once had an argument with a close friend of mine that tried to get me into playing World Of Warcraft, i got the base game and most of the expansions, (cause they were bundled) i also purchased a 30 days subscription just to see if i would enjoy playing it or not, we played a few hours for 2 days and he asked the golden question, "what do you think about WOW" my initial viewpoints of the game was that it had it's moments in the story department for sure, but that the combat and graphics were simply too old and too simple, i quickly caught myself comparing WOW to Mabinogi, (crazy right ?) My friend was a long time WOW player, I did't try to win the argument of Mabinogi vs WOW, impossible right? maybe even laughable for some,
We both argued for a couple of minutes while playing WOW and we got nowhere, i had hoped for a better combat system and a less confusing dungeon system, it also didn't help that everything looked samy and to a certain degree ugly in WOW.

He on the other hand criticized Mabinogi's lack of coherent story and unbalanced gameplay in terms of equipment, enemies and so on,
I had to kind of stop the argument cause i felt that he got increasingly more and more annoyed and he was on the verge of starting to shit on Mabinogi instead of criticize it.
Posted at 11-26-17, 05:25 pm Link | #

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changing how the combat worked and implementing weird skillsets that feel out of place on the universe of Mabinogi *Cough* Ninja *Cough* Gunner *Cough* now that shit was to me one of the big turn offs.

I think the final nail in the coffin for me was when they introduced the Girgashiy, it represented everything wrong with the later generations, out was the old tactical gameplay and in was the new mash your strongest skill until you win.
It also didn't help that i had to level around 1500 levels in order to even stand a slight chance during the end of that generation questline, it presented a very huge and very ugly unfair difficulty spike.

It also presented us with what Mabinogi had in store for us in the future and where the game itself was heading.
Posted at 12-15-17, 07:08 am Link | #

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I agree 100% that this is an issue and a growing one too,
but i think it all stems from the fact that most people here have already played Mabinogi over and over again, there patience with this game is waning, However i also can't think of any excuse to have alts replace real human companionship.

Finding people willing to help in Mabinogi Professional is definitely easier then back on live, there is less people afk and more active people compared to what you can find on live (Mari server player here)
And if you simply can't complete a dungeon, or quest you are probably not ready for it yet, grinding levels and training skills should then be your priority, not creating an army of alts to brute force whatever your main can't handle, and lets not even get into the
EXP 2x
Gold 2x
Item Drop 2x
Quest EXP & Gold 2x
AP 2x
Skill Training 2x
Part-Time Job EXP & Gold 4x

I agree that the ridiculous rng afk activities like fishing and so on could be performed by an alt, but when people start dragging a small militia into dungeons, field bosses and such, that's where i personally draw the line.

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