What does Mabi Pro provide that isn't found in the official (rev. 1 by mesmerrow on 08-23-24, 02:03 am)
Posted at 08-17-24, 03:11 am Link | #1

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As the title describes and as a returning player, what does Mabi Pro provide today that isn't found in the official version of the game?
Posted at 08-19-24, 12:52 am Link | #2
Patoots GM

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I would say a smaller community, custom content, and old school mechanics that Nexonogi abandoned. It's to mabinogi what OSRS is to runescape, except we actually got creative with it sometimes
Posted at 08-30-24, 03:34 am Link | #3

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Literally the experience we should of gotten. How many chests at the end of dungeons and sm's have you opened and thought "man those outfits should of dropped as manuals here as they came out".
Posted at 09-21-24, 12:37 pm Link | #4

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I would say a smaller community, custom content, and old school mechanics that Nexonogi abandoned. It's to mabinogi what OSRS is to runescape, except we actually got creative with it sometimes
If I may ask, can you define some of the creative aspects you speak of?
Posted at 09-21-24, 12:51 pm Link | #5

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Literally the experience we should of gotten. How many chests at the end of dungeons and sm's have you opened and thought "man those outfits should of dropped as manuals here as they came out".
I do see your point, but if I may quote Trigger a once famous Ruairi server player

"Enemy AI is a hopeless shambles. It served its purpose well in the original release -- for instance, bears and goblins were both notorious for using deceptive tactics to bait players into reacting incorrectly. Most enemies can handle melee, magic, and archery attacks with relatively good reaction patterns. Attacking an enemy more than once with a bolt spell or a normal bow shot, for instance, will almost always cause the enemy to charge at you directly, reducing the effectiveness of spamming, especially in the cases of fast and ultra-fast monsters. Once alchemy was added to the game, the original AI crumbled and never recovered. Enemies have never once had their behavior patterns updated to handle new offensive techniques or new skill sets. They are still operating on their original AI, all of them. If you start out focusing on melee skills initially, you'll receive a decent portion of the game's original challenge level. If you choose something like Puppetry or Dual Guns, you will completely outsmart the AI merely by virtue of the weapons and skills you'll be using. It isn't a total slam dunk, as most skills start out with low damage and the AoEs all start with relatively small areas of effect, but the enemy AI will still have no idea how to handle them."

I think the unique mechanics that made Mabinogi what it was and which are burried deep under layers of everything that came afterwards are the treasures which made this game what it is today, I do agree that many of the microtransaction exclusive items and content would fit perfectly well as in game drops and rewards, but I belive the mechanics we lost due to countless changes or as already stated are still around but are now burried 10 feet under everything else that came afterwards is a very important aspect of what made Mabinogi what it was and which is no longer making the game what it is today.

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