Mods (rev. 1 by aboxofsoap on 03-28-17, 07:15 pm)
Posted at 03-28-17, 07:12 pm Link | #1

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I know you guys allow most all mods that aren't game breaking. I don't think it is, but just to make sure so I don't get into any trouble, is Tiara's Moonshine Mod allowed here?


Edit: Also a question to anyone who uses it, if it's allowed and all, the earliest version I can find is G11S2, then it goes straight to G14S1. Do I use 11, or 14?
Posted at 03-28-17, 07:51 pm Link | #2
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I'm not a staff member, but i do believe tiara should be fine. At worst, if someone tells you something you're using may be gamebreaking or illegal in this version, stop use of it and send a ticket to the staff, to confirm.

As for version, i'm actually unsure of which one you would want. I don't think the g14 one would have anything that'd break your game, but i don't mess around with tiara a whole lot so i can't say for sure. I do know, however, that outdated files will crash you. Race.xml is a good example, because it's updated with most every tiara version i believe. That means the older tiara, g11s2, will contain outdated files like that, so you can expect it to crash you, due to there being missing lines/entries.

Hope that was of some help, if i'm unclear on something, feel free to inquire some more. Only thing i will say before offering more help, is that while i will help find a file or solve an issue, i don't actually set up mods for other people, or do teamview type stuff.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 03-29-17, 03:33 am Link | #3

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I'd be cool to go back to this ( at least for me) I strongly disliked how the introudcution of fusion bolt replace all special animations for casting offensive spells with one gernic animation that doesn't fit especially for 2H weapons
Posted at 03-30-17, 01:02 am Link | #4

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I would really like that casting fix as well. I tried to do it myself but I dont know anything about animation moding
Posted at 03-30-17, 01:35 am Link | #5

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I would really like that casting fix as well. I tried to do it myself but I dont know anything about animation moding

Noone is working on it already, give him time to finish it.
Posted at 03-30-17, 02:41 am Link | #6

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I'm not a staff member, but i do believe tiara should be fine. At worst, if someone tells you something you're using may be gamebreaking or illegal in this version, stop use of it and send a ticket to the staff, to confirm.

As for version, i'm actually unsure of which one you would want. I don't think the g14 one would have anything that'd break your game, but i don't mess around with tiara a whole lot so i can't say for sure. I do know, however, that outdated files will crash you. Race.xml is a good example, because it's updated with most every tiara version i believe. That means the older tiara, g11s2, will contain outdated files like that, so you can expect it to crash you, due to there being missing lines/entries.

Hope that was of some help, if i'm unclear on something, feel free to inquire some more. Only thing i will say before offering more help, is that while i will help find a file or solve an issue, i don't actually set up mods for other people, or do teamview type stuff.

Thank you kindly for your input, it's greatly appreciated. I'll install the G14 version of Tiara before I get on next, see if it works, and get back to you.
Posted at 03-30-17, 04:20 pm Link | #7

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Noone is working on it already, give him time to finish it.

Oh, fantastic! I didn't know he was doing this too. I'll just wait for him then.
Posted at 04-05-17, 05:19 am Link | #8

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does this mean Abyss is fine?
Posted at 04-05-17, 10:56 am Link | #9
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does this mean Abyss is fine?

Haven't tried it, but i doubt it. Astral was released specifically to replace abyss on this server, by the same creator of abyss.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-06-17, 01:20 am Link | #10

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ah ok, thanks for the info
Posted at 04-07-17, 04:40 am Link | #11

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there's a casting fix on mabimods
Posted at 04-07-17, 11:41 am Link | #12
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there's a casting fix on mabimods

I've been informed the one on mabimods can and will crash the client for mabi pro. I dunno why, nor have i tested it, but i have no reason to doubt it.
I've also heard that noone, think that was his name, was working on a version of it for this server.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 04-07-17, 12:02 pm Link | #13

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there's a casting fix on mabimods

I've been informed the one on mabimods can and will crash the client for mabi pro. I dunno why, nor have i tested it, but i have no reason to doubt it.
I've also heard that noone, think that was his name, was working on a version of it for this server.

i use it and dont crash
Posted at 04-10-17, 01:37 pm Link | #14

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there's a casting fix on mabimods

I've been informed the one on mabimods can and will crash the client for mabi pro. I dunno why, nor have i tested it, but i have no reason to doubt it.
I've also heard that noone, think that was his name, was working on a version of it for this server.

i use it and dont crash

Yer one of the few lucky ones then.

The old casting motions been updated into the Client, Noone sent the files to Drahan/Flip? and it was implemented.
post rev. 2 by woots on 05-11-17, 10:58 am
Posted at 05-11-17, 07:55 am Link | #15

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EDIT : grabbed the maps from Tiara, but most of them doesnt work. ( i suppose the name doesnt match with this client )
Posted at 05-12-17, 04:15 am Link | #16

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So find them in the pack files and change the names to match for the data folder. Did it myself, works just fine.
post rev. 1 by woots on 05-12-17, 07:52 am
Posted at 05-12-17, 07:36 am Link | #17

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edit : nvm found the unpacker to have the maps name.

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