Easter Events (4/8/2017 ~ 4/20/2017) (rev. 8 by Drahan on 12-17-17, 04:35 am)
Posted at 04-08-17, 07:39 am Link | #1
Flipend0 GM

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It's time for easter, and to celebrate the Easter Holiday we're starting these Easter events.

Easter Event #1: Easter Egg Hen Hatching
  • Step 1: Go to any field that has hens.
  • Step 2: Empty your hands, and attempt to gather from the hens.
  • Step 3: You will get a Fossil. Activate it and remove the sand out. Try not to touch the egg, be precise!
  • Step 4: After successfully recovering the fossil, you'll receive a prize!

Easter Event #2: Ciar Event Dungeon
  • Step 1: Reach level 25, and talk to Duncan.
  • Step 2: He will give you a pass for Ciar, you should enter the dungeon with 2 players.
  • Step 3: You, the leader will have an egg. During the entire duration of the dungeon you must make sure the egg does not crack open.
  • Step 4: If you complete the dungeon without breaking the egg, you will be rewarded with a title "who has carried an egg to safety" [WILL +7, STR -3, LUK +2]


*This event will run from 4/8/2017 ~ 4/20/2017
*After you have completed the Event Dungeon with the egg brought to safety, you will be unable to get another pass. You can still join another person's event dungeon though!
* You must be Level 25 to receive the pass, and your party members must be Level 25 to enter the event dungeon. If your party members are not level 25 the dungeon becomes Ciar Normal instead.
Happy Easter from the Mabi.Pro staff
Posted at 04-08-17, 08:15 am Link | #2

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Looks like a fun time. I always liked the fossil minigame... was my main and slow way to get exploration for a while on live. Until I got a group for Wyvern hunting, heh.

Happy Easter though.
Posted at 04-08-17, 01:26 pm Link | #3

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I've been waiting for a while and not receiving the quest for event 2, I got the pass and am above level 25.

Some others have had issues that they only got the quest AFTER they ran the dungeon.
Posted at 04-08-17, 06:04 pm Link | #4
Flipend0 GM

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I've been waiting for a while and not receiving the quest for event 2, I got the pass and am above level 25.

Some others have had issues that they only got the quest AFTER they ran the dungeon.

Well, you actually don't get a quest until you've enter the dungeon (as an egg holder). You can still go talk to duncan to get yourself a pass
Posted at 04-10-17, 09:50 am Link | #5

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Is there a reward list for restoring eggs?
Posted at 04-10-17, 10:02 am Link | #6

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I've gotten HP, MP, and SP 30 pots, and 5 star food so far.

For food I've namely gotten Strawberry Milk and Shrimp Fried Rice. Though I've never gotten higher than "Somewhat restored."
Posted at 04-10-17, 10:08 am Link | #7

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I was going to open 100 at once for lulz. Had around 60 eggs, and the maintenance happened
Posted at 04-10-17, 10:35 am Link | #8

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Hm, actually, satori looks to have started a google doc to list things. Should definitely add things when you get around to those eggs. xD

Posted at 04-10-17, 10:36 am Link | #9

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I'll keep it saved with screenshots! Just gotta wait for the server to come up
Posted at 04-13-17, 01:40 am Link | #10

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Hm, actually, satori looks to have started a google doc to list things. Should definitely add things when you get around to those eggs. xD


ive never made a google doc
Posted at 04-13-17, 05:07 am Link | #11

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My bad about that, then. Grabbed that link off the wiki you had posted a while back. But the Easter page seems to have been done by someone else, heh.

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