Posts: 221
Joined: 04-26-17
Last post: 2252 days
Last view: 1306 days
So the reason why I'm making this thread is because of the current event that hands us Francisca patterns. The title of the post refers to gacha as well, as far as I know this hasn't really happened before with gacha (besides the wing bow I heard of that got removed), but my reasoning applies to both items from events and gacha, existing currently and potentially being added in the future.
Isn't it kind of disappointing to see such a rare and wanted item appear so frequently from an event or gacha? In this case I'm talking of the francisca from the event(but all the reasoning applies to future items added as well through gacha/events). Yes, you don't get the item immediately, and the pattern is very high rank. However, the pattern appears way too frequently, and the items required are too easy, making it able to just spam craft it until you reach a 100% even when your blacksmithing rank is nowhere near the rank of the pattern. Now, I'm not too knowledgeable on the topic of what items were present in the mabi version of the game our server is based on that were excluded from the american/EU version. But, in my opinion being able to get an item like the francisca which is supposedly one of the strongest single handed axes humans have available to them and only obtainable through the harder content through a simple event and just spamming some materials at it, kinda devalues doing the harder content through which you normally would get the item.
I understand it might be nice to have alternative ways to get certain items, and that it is nice that manuals are introduced for these rare items to make crating more appealing. But, can't those manuals be made available perhaps through the harder content I mentioned earlier? What I mean by that is not necessarily the same dungeons/missions etc. as that the item is normally available through, but perhaps different missions or different means all together, to make other content more appealing as well, instead of drastically reducing value of existing content (like actually trying to do peaca int or adv TMs for a drop) by making it available through such easy means.
Or, make the crafting of it way more difficult than it currently is, which preserve value in actually running content to try to get it through other means (compared to the easy one we have now, which is just get a load of ingots and you are golden)