giving away shit event (rev. 2 by lame on 07-20-17, 10:57 pm)
Posted at 07-20-17, 01:00 am Link | #1

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hello, lame here!

Since i have haven't been playing much i thought i would give back to the community. I have full oblivion gear that im willing to give away completely free of charge. Only requirement is to have at least 6 rb (that also includes your first rb) so character screen should say 5 rebirths AND have an average of 110 levels per rb.

I also have a volcano cylinder, that will go to any alchemist that have r1 Flame burst, Fire Alchemy, Alchemy mastery, *master*Chain cylinder.

Since players who grind life skills to provide the server are being left out, Im giving away 4.5m + 65 arat crystal to who ever has the highest ranked blacksmithed
and 3m+700 red coins to whoever has highest rank tailoring

Just comment here if you qualify for any of these.

[Posted by Uzume on 07-20-17, 01:25 am, deleted by Uzume]
  • #4384
Posted at 07-20-17, 01:26 am Link | #3

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If you could accept 100 per RB, I'd fit the requirements since I recently got my 5 rebirths. I slacked on my first 2 RBs because of not playing much/skilling, but ever since hitting INT I now go for 100-110 usually.

My character screen
Posted at 07-20-17, 01:58 am Link | #4

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well your ave would be 83.3, since im counting creation as 1st rb.
Posted at 07-20-17, 02:48 pm Link | #5

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I suppose no active player meets your conditions since it would be difficult to reach lv110 before first rebirth (if you rebirth after 2 weeks of course) and that would force you to reach lv 110-130 on the subsequent rebirths to get 110 averaged.

You can keep your stuff and afk in dunba as you always does.

In any case I prefer to hunt for my own equipment, no use in getting everything faster if it's to lose any purpose to play.

Lame, out of curiosity, what was your level on first rebirth ?
Posted at 07-20-17, 05:40 pm Link | #6
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In any case I prefer to hunt for my own equipment, no use in getting everything faster if it's to lose any purpose to play.

Depends entirely on perspective. I, for example, really don't care enough to grind for crap like this. If someone wants to give me a free one, i wouldn't object. I've been through live content for years and years. I made a few attempts to do stuff like this on live. Eventually deciding that learning game mechanics made the fights easy enough that grinding for hours or days for a few damage points really wasn't worth the effort. Leading me to the thought process of, if anyone wants to give me the item, i'll accept it, but working for it isn't even worth the time since the content i run can easily be cleared without it 90% of the time.

Anyway, while things aren't out of hand atm, i do want to say that i don't feel this thread would be an appropriate place to bash on either the topic or player. Guy's giving away his own stuff for free. If you don't like the condition, just ignore the thread alltogether and move on. If no one can meet the condition, and if no one will respond, thread's dead and it's obvious that the condition was too harsh.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
Posted at 07-20-17, 10:05 pm Link | #7

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Anyway, while things aren't out of hand atm, i do want to say that i don't feel this thread would be an appropriate place to bash on either the topic or player. Guy's giving away his own stuff for free. If you don't like the condition, just ignore the thread alltogether and move on. If no one can meet the condition, and if no one will respond, thread's dead and it's obvious that the condition was too harsh.

I wasn't trying to bash, just stating mi thought on the topic. Isn't it the purpose of a forum ?

To stay on topic: I don't know if anyone on the server has an average level per rebirth of 110+. After all, even if some might have grinded to reach high levels (110+), almost everyone did a pause or stopped playing at some point, thus decreasing their average level.
post rev. 1 by lame on 07-20-17, 10:39 pm
Posted at 07-20-17, 10:29 pm Link | #8

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my lv before my first rb was like 83 or something, my give away is open until someone fills the req. maybe that will encourage some players to play abit more, but its first come first serve im not gonna save items.

I dont think 110 is harsh, what good would the gear be on someone who barely plays

anyways since people who grind life skills to provide the server are being left out, Im giving away 5m to who ever has the highest ranked blacksmithed
and 3m+700 red coins to whoever has highest rank tailoring
post rev. 4 by Uzume on 07-21-17, 12:15 am
Posted at 07-21-17, 12:12 am Link | #9

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I have rank 6 tailoring and as far as I know no one has rank 5+. Marta also has rank 6 tailoring.
Posted at 07-21-17, 02:15 am Link | #10

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I'm unsure how to send screenshots here, but if you click on my name you can see all of my characters and the skills they have. I think i fit as the highest ranked *active* blacksmith at r8.
Posted at 07-21-17, 03:30 pm Link | #11

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too bad i wouldve averaged that if i continue not having a life

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