Posts: 71
Joined: 04-26-17
Last post: 2359 days
Last view: 2304 days
Updating again!
Hi all! I thought it would be helpful for new people on the server and those who are not so new to have an idea of the current services available to them in the world of crafting etc. Below is the person's ign, rank, fee (if applicable) and their preferred form of contact. I will be adding new names to the post as time progresses, so feel free to comment on this thread if you want your name/services to be added. There are also some people I know of that do have high ranks in some of these not listed and I am waiting for permission to add these names to the list. "No fee" only applies if you provide the materials.
Those who I have not seen online for a prolonged period of time (2 weeks usually) will be removed from the post. You can message me to be put back on the list.
- Uzuu, rank 1, add - no fee
- redclad, rank 1, whisper/add - no fee
- Tuesday, rank 1, add - 1k gold fee to non Abyss members
- Chirio, rank 1 - 5 red coin fee
- Oinky, rank 3, add
- Reis, rank 4, any - no fee
- Reis, rank 8, mail
- Uzuu, rank 8, add
- Khaine, rank 5 - any - no fee
- Lame, rank 6
- Elimine, rank 6 - no fee
- Reis, rank 6, mail - no fee
- Excelsian, rank 9 - no fee
- Uzume, rank 4, add ingame - no fee
- Credit, rank 5 - 1 giant potato fee
- Reis, rank 7, mail - no fee
- Reis, rank 1, mail
- Harunaru, rank 1
- Credit, rank 1
- Lame, rank 1
- Uzume, rank 4
Potion Making:
- Reis, rank 1, mail - no fee
- redclad, rank 6, any - no fee
- Excelsian, rank 9, any - no fee
- Ayla, rank 1
- Zakkyurrdai, rank 1 - no fee
- Uzuu, rank 4, any - no fee
- Excelsian, rank 7, any - no fee
- Reis, rank 9, mail - no fee
- Reis, rank 6, mail - no fee
- Pegwald, rank 6 - no fee
- Chirio, rank 6, add
- Reis, rank 6, mail - no fee
- Chirio, rank 6, add
- Pegwald, rank 8 - no fee
Metal Conversion:
- Reis, rank 1, mail - no fee
- redclad, rank 1, add/whisper - no fee
-Axatokee, rank 3 - no fee
Royal Alchemists:
- Uzuu (any difficulty)
- Excelsian (any difficulty)
- Reis (any difficulty)
- Kakusha (any difficulty)
- Fruttie (any difficulty)
- Excelsian, rank 1, add
G2 Ideals:
- redclad, whisper/add - no fee
- Kakusha - add
Musical Knowledge:
- Reis, rank 6, add
- Reis, rank 6, add
-CP services
- Junjou & Pegwald have a -500 CP Marble unisex armour. The fee is 50 red coins per day and an item of semi importance as a guarantee.
- Virus are loaning out their -500 CP Abysmal pot with a fee of 20 red coins per day.
Rafting services
Mana Crystalisation help
- Reis, rank F fireball,/rank 9 ice spear/ rank 1 thunder - provide mp to be used