Hello fellow Milletian! ... or Yoshirou.

The name is Hope, nothing special nor nothing crazy... Just Hope.

Even though so many people like to poke fun at my name, in which is fine by me. lol!
*ahem* Welcome to MabiPro! Thanks for joining us and helping us grow.

I've been around MabiPro for a while now, off and on, but not as long has these people who have been around since is first began. I came around like two months (I believe...) after opening. It's been a blast with this team as they work hard day and night to keep this server alive. I've been on Live Mabinogi since G13, but I left because of snooty people, showing off their goods for ridiculous pricing. Although I wasn't in the Ruari server, I was on the Alexina the most and I have tried Tarlach for a little before returning back to Alexina.
Anyway. I don't want to bore you with my long speech, so I'll stop and just give you a warm welcome and hope you like MabiPro!

Good luck on your development on your MMO.