Is Mabinogi a bad game ? (rev. 1 by mesmerrow on 11-24-17, 06:55 pm)
Posted at 11-24-17, 06:23 pm Link | #1

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Now before everyone flames and trashes this thread let me explain my part of the story.

Over the years i have been casually telling people about Mabinogi whenever it's relevant and the conversation allows it of course, but more often than not when anyone i have talked to about Mabinogi i get one of the two reactions, #1:"It's..old...i may give it a try someday..." or #2:"Never heard of it, not interested" The first reaction means that the person in question won't actually give the game a chance because he/she/it has been turned off by the graphics, stiff animations or similar, while the second reaction is from someone that already plays "the currently best mmo in the world" (World Of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, Lord Of The Rings Online and so on) so why take steps back and play something like Mabinogi?

This thought also stems from the fact that over the years i been playing Mabinogi i have only managed to get 2 out of many people to actually play Mabinogi, and even they have stopped playing by now.

I know that Mabinogi isn't that popular and quite old by today's standard, but this has happened even among people that still play and enjoy older games.

Is it just me or have this happened to you too? or am i doing something wrong?
Posted at 11-24-17, 06:48 pm Link | #2

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To be fair, I've had my fair shares of friends, ex-lovers, even my current fiance say that Mabinogi is a big turn off. When I ask why that it is, the most common answer is mostly bad graphics. Others include that is has bad art style or the combat is funky. I look at them like they're crazy because not every game out there is going to be perfect. If there is I want to know this game is and why people like it.

The way I like to see in many games such as Mabinogi or RuneScape or even SecondLife to name a few games I play is that they should be about the community, and the enjoyment of having fun and interaction with others.

I get where you are coming from, and I really wished that people would stop judging a book by the cover, and actually try to give a game with harsh graphics such as Mabinogi a chance. But sadly and harshly we do have to realize that not many people like the idea of Mabinogi and/or the graphics isn't for everyone. Everyone likes new-age graphics like the ones you have mentioned and many others.

So to answer your question, Mabinogi isn't a bad game... it's just not for everyone.
Posted at 11-25-17, 06:26 am Link | #3

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Time and time again Mabinogi is the one gaming experience I've longed to find in other MMOs but couldn't. Perhaps the timing for the relevancy of this game was good. Maybe it was the lack of information and the wonder of knowing little to nothing. The solidarity of community experiences really make things memorable.

Nowadays, I feel the attention span of gamers have shortened in favour of quick and immediately fulfilling MOBA/battleground style games. Min/maxing is the immediate goal of everybody and data mining of game data is expected. Video game companies have also notoriously optimized their production and marketing, where a lot more emphasis is given to the initial hook than actual substance in the game.

There are many things I see in Mabinogi today that make me say "Wow, I can't believe this was a feature in a 2004 game". I believe that a lot of testing, thought, and care has been put into it's engine which allowed a surplus of features to be able to coincide with each other smoothly. Thus, it can appeal to a much larger audience who may have other interests than a typical combat RPG. It does take a bit of a steeper learning curve due to the way the unique combat system has been made. Unfortunately many people simply won't have the attention span to learn the basics today.
Posted at 11-26-17, 03:15 pm Link | #4

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Combat is unique, Social aspects were unique(when it came out) at this moment, even if those are unique even on this day an age, people have the mindset that graphics are everything(a wrong mindset, heck how many point and click games, old ones, I played that are amazing? even to this day? Monkey Island guys? Loom? pshh could name a heck load more)
Putting it simple, for people to regain interest in "Mabinogi" or something close to it, someone would have to pick up on the "base" of this game and make something new/fresh, retaining the aspects of this one with updated graphics, and when I say updated graphics I don't point at something like Tera(Fuck skimpy outfits and the lolis) I mean graphics on par with Lets say RO2 with Physics? that would be enough I think.
But again, opinions, I step away from official due to how Nexon is Publishing/Monetizing tjhe game and the weird changes they implemented, some where welcome, lets be honest, the Begginer quests even on the current version we go are clunky at best, and revamping the starting experience of the game was a good move, changing how the combat worked and implementing weird skillsets that feel out of place on the universe of Mabinogi *Cough* Ninja *Cough* Gunner *Cough* now that shit was to me one of the big turn offs.
But, we got to save us from the shittyness of Nexon so, all good?
Posted at 11-26-17, 04:15 pm Link | #5

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To be fair, I've had my fair shares of friends, ex-lovers, even my current fiance say that Mabinogi is a big turn off. When I ask why that it is, the most common answer is mostly bad graphics. Others include that is has bad art style or the combat is funky. I look at them like they're crazy because not every game out there is going to be perfect. If there is I want to know this game is and why people like it.

The way I like to see in many games such as Mabinogi or RuneScape or even SecondLife to name a few games I play is that they should be about the community, and the enjoyment of having fun and interaction with others.

I get where you are coming from, and I really wished that people would stop judging a book by the cover, and actually try to give a game with harsh graphics such as Mabinogi a chance. But sadly and harshly we do have to realize that not many people like the idea of Mabinogi and/or the graphics isn't for everyone. Everyone likes new-age graphics like the ones you have mentioned and many others.

So to answer your question, Mabinogi isn't a bad game... it's just not for everyone.

Spot on, i been saying that Mabinogi isn't for everyone for years, but what i think you missed is that Runescape managed to become mainstream during the heights of it's popularity, Mabinogi didn't.

Another thing i often think is the reason many overseas games (non european, american mmo's) fail is because of the process of bringing these games to the west, it simply takes too long, and by the time they arrive it's about to be if not already too late, and gaming have evolved beyond such mechanics, graphics and so on, i am sure Mabinogi would have been more popular had it been released in america and europe a few years earlier,
It also didn't help that Nexon completely stopped promoting the game in any way, shape or form.

As if they are just waiting for it to die at this point...
Posted at 11-26-17, 04:35 pm Link | #6

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Combat is unique, Social aspects were unique(when it came out) at this moment, even if those are unique even on this day an age, people have the mindset that graphics are everything(a wrong mindset, heck how many point and click games, old ones, I played that are amazing? even to this day? Monkey Island guys? Loom? pshh could name a heck load more)
Putting it simple, for people to regain interest in "Mabinogi" or something close to it, someone would have to pick up on the "base" of this game and make something new/fresh, retaining the aspects of this one with updated graphics, and when I say updated graphics I don't point at something like Tera(Fuck skimpy outfits and the lolis) I mean graphics on par with Lets say RO2 with Physics? that would be enough I think.
But again, opinions, I step away from official due to how Nexon is Publishing/Monetizing tjhe game and the weird changes they implemented, some where welcome, lets be honest, the Begginer quests even on the current version we go are clunky at best, and revamping the starting experience of the game was a good move, changing how the combat worked and implementing weird skillsets that feel out of place on the universe of Mabinogi *Cough* Ninja *Cough* Gunner *Cough* now that shit was to me one of the big turn offs.
But, we got to save us from the shittyness of Nexon so, all good?

I totally agree that we need a new game like Mabinogi, problem is i think even Nexon don't know what the Mabinogi community want, they keep trying to force the dark and gritty story and graphics on us and that's what in the end killed Mabinogi Arena, i think what people really want is a Mabinogi remake and not a dark, gritty sequel, prequel, side story, yes i know that a lot of people currently playing Mabinogi on the official servers would get pissed off that they have to start over on a new remake of the same game, but that's a small issue compared to keeping the current Mabinogi suffering until it's eventual death, it's a small price to pay in order to keep playing what you enjoy with many new people and have a game you enjoy renewed and enhanced for modern gameplay.

I was however talking about Mabinogi as a game, i didn't differentiate between the official Mabinogi and Mabinogi professional, both of them have issues, it's just that one of them is less about "Mabinogi" and more about everything else they care to add or implement.

There is plenty of quality of life updates and such on the official Mabinogi servers, i guess that's the price we must pay in order to play Mabinogi like it was meant to be played here in Mabinogi Professional.
Posted at 11-26-17, 05:07 pm Link | #7

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I once had an argument with a close friend of mine that tried to get me into playing World Of Warcraft, i got the base game and most of the expansions, (cause they were bundled) i also purchased a 30 days subscription just to see if i would enjoy playing it or not, we played a few hours for 2 days and he asked the golden question, "what do you think about WOW" my initial viewpoints of the game was that it had it's moments in the story department for sure, but that the combat and graphics were simply too old and too simple, i quickly caught myself comparing WOW to Mabinogi, (crazy right ?) My friend was a long time WOW player, I did't try to win the argument of Mabinogi vs WOW, impossible right? maybe even laughable for some,
We both argued for a couple of minutes while playing WOW and we got nowhere, i had hoped for a better combat system and a less confusing dungeon system, it also didn't help that everything looked samy and to a certain degree ugly in WOW.

He on the other hand criticized Mabinogi's lack of coherent story and unbalanced gameplay in terms of equipment, enemies and so on,
I had to kind of stop the argument cause i felt that he got increasingly more and more annoyed and he was on the verge of starting to shit on Mabinogi instead of criticize it.
Posted at 11-26-17, 05:25 pm Link | #8

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changing how the combat worked and implementing weird skillsets that feel out of place on the universe of Mabinogi *Cough* Ninja *Cough* Gunner *Cough* now that shit was to me one of the big turn offs.

I think the final nail in the coffin for me was when they introduced the Girgashiy, it represented everything wrong with the later generations, out was the old tactical gameplay and in was the new mash your strongest skill until you win.
It also didn't help that i had to level around 1500 levels in order to even stand a slight chance during the end of that generation questline, it presented a very huge and very ugly unfair difficulty spike.

It also presented us with what Mabinogi had in store for us in the future and where the game itself was heading.
post rev. 3 by Uzuu on 11-26-17, 07:32 pm
Posted at 11-26-17, 06:14 pm Link | #9

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I wrote like 1200 words on this so I will show it in a spoiler but I'll just say I love Mabinogi, but I don't think it's a great game in and of itself. It has a lot of promise but lacks content and combat variety which a lot of other games really boast. Most of this criticism applies to Mabi old school, because I haven't actually played official NA for over a year I don't feel comfortable really commenting on its content as I'm too out of touch with it. Anywho, here's my thoughts on the matter. Also just to add, I certainly don't think you're doing something wrong. Its about the game itself and the kind of people that like this game. There's honestly not much you can do about that if people fundamentally do not enjoy mabi's mechanics/gameplay.

post rev. 1 by Trance on 11-26-17, 11:58 pm
Posted at 11-26-17, 11:53 pm Link | #10

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Mabinogi isn't a bad game, but it's definitely old. It's a bit too old. Look at a game like this, and Ragnarok. Most of the people who still play it or willing to try it either have terrible computers, or are driven by nostalgia. In the case of this server in particular, they're driven by both nostalgia, and a game that's core concept wasn't completely thrown out the window.

I don't think the gameplay itself is dated, it's just the game and the quality of life in the game that makes dated. There's not much for anyone to do in the "end game" when you've ranked every skill to max other than hunt a few cosmetic items that don't really do anything for you. You can hunt field bosses, but even then, the fun is fighting them with people for multiple reasons 1: everyone gets a drop, which means more chances for something rare to drop, 2: everyone gets experience. Soloing bosses is completely unfun.

Compared to something like Ragnarok which is a very solo-able game, actually rewards you for party play, IE: Increased EXP rates, while sharing exp. (bonuses vary with party size), endless dungeon (an endless dungeon designed for party play) and War of Emperium (a guild war where you're actually competing for territory that you will own until the next war). Mabinogi had a completely pointless guild war feature, but in ragnarok it was actually part of the focus, and the main reason anyone reached level cap and continued to hunt gear.

This game also suffers from the issues of power creeping in most F2P games. I like the idea of being able to level up every skill in the game being an ultimate jack of all trades, but at some point the only thing the developers can do is just make monsters become more damage sponges, than actually make the game harder. That's where Mabinogi fails dramatically. Rather than make the game harder, it just makes enemies do more damage, and take less damage.

In a game like Phantasy Star Online 1 and 2, where power creeping could be an issue, it's not. Harder difficulties actually net you harder monsters. Meaning they deal more damage, they take less damage, (Keeping up with your stat progression) and they're actually faster, which means, at least when it comes to bosses, you have to actually pay attention. but PSO2 is fundamentally a different game.

Personally I still play mabinogi because it's one of the very few MMOs that keeps combat exciting. After all these years, it's still such a fresh experience, like no other. Not only does it work, It just plain makes sense. I like to compare it to the likes of Street Fighter and other fighting games, except it's more or less a rock paper scissors kind of game, but there's an execution barrier, meaning you have to actually practice some combos before you can just start mashing skills
Posted at 11-28-17, 09:56 am Link | #11
Drahan GM

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Now before everyone flames and trashes this thread let me explain my part of the story.

Over the years i have been casually telling people about Mabinogi whenever it's relevant and the conversation allows it of course, but more often than not when anyone i have talked to about Mabinogi i get one of the two reactions, #1:"It's..old...i may give it a try someday..." or #2:"Never heard of it, not interested" The first reaction means that the person in question won't actually give the game a chance because he/she/it has been turned off by the graphics, stiff animations or similar, while the second reaction is from someone that already plays "the currently best mmo in the world" (World Of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, Lord Of The Rings Online and so on) so why take steps back and play something like Mabinogi?

This thought also stems from the fact that over the years i been playing Mabinogi i have only managed to get 2 out of many people to actually play Mabinogi, and even they have stopped playing by now.

I know that Mabinogi isn't that popular and quite old by today's standard, but this has happened even among people that still play and enjoy older games.

Is it just me or have this happened to you too? or am i doing something wrong?

I often have the same experience when telling people about Mabinogi.
Posted at 11-29-17, 02:38 am Link | #12

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Now before everyone flames and trashes this thread let me explain my part of the story.

Over the years i have been casually telling people about Mabinogi whenever it's relevant and the conversation allows it of course, but more often than not when anyone i have talked to about Mabinogi i get one of the two reactions, #1:"It's..old...i may give it a try someday..." or #2:"Never heard of it, not interested" The first reaction means that the person in question won't actually give the game a chance because he/she/it has been turned off by the graphics, stiff animations or similar, while the second reaction is from someone that already plays "the currently best mmo in the world" (World Of Warcraft, Star Wars: The Old Republic, Neverwinter, Lord Of The Rings Online and so on) so why take steps back and play something like Mabinogi?

This thought also stems from the fact that over the years i been playing Mabinogi i have only managed to get 2 out of many people to actually play Mabinogi, and even they have stopped playing by now.

I know that Mabinogi isn't that popular and quite old by today's standard, but this has happened even among people that still play and enjoy older games.

Is it just me or have this happened to you too? or am i doing something wrong?

I often have the same experience when telling people about Mabinogi.

Posted at 12-02-17, 08:25 pm Link | #13

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To be fair, I've had my fair shares of friends, ex-lovers, even my current fiance say that Mabinogi is a big turn off. When I ask why that it is, the most common answer is mostly bad graphics. Others include that is has bad art style or the combat is funky. I look at them like they're crazy because not every game out there is going to be perfect. If there is I want to know this game is and why people like it.

The way I like to see in many games such as Mabinogi or RuneScape or even SecondLife to name a few games I play is that they should be about the community, and the enjoyment of having fun and interaction with others.

I get where you are coming from, and I really wished that people would stop judging a book by the cover, and actually try to give a game with harsh graphics such as Mabinogi a chance. But sadly and harshly we do have to realize that not many people like the idea of Mabinogi and/or the graphics isn't for everyone. Everyone likes new-age graphics like the ones you have mentioned and many others.

So to answer your question, Mabinogi isn't a bad game... it's just not for everyone.

Spot on, i been saying that Mabinogi isn't for everyone for years, but what i think you missed is that Runescape managed to become mainstream during the heights of it's popularity, Mabinogi didn't.

Another thing i often think is the reason many overseas games (non european, american mmo's) fail is because of the process of bringing these games to the west, it simply takes too long, and by the time they arrive it's about to be if not already too late, and gaming have evolved beyond such mechanics, graphics and so on, i am sure Mabinogi would have been more popular had it been released in america and europe a few years earlier,
It also didn't help that Nexon completely stopped promoting the game in any way, shape or form.

As if they are just waiting for it to die at this point...

Quite true upon RuneScape. Though I gotta say that I'm a little behind on the lore and the sudden changes. Because for every change, there was something that made that change. I guess that's why I'm staying behind and playing Old School RuneScape because I'm sooo far behind in the lore. lol...

And true. I guess that's why certain games have come out a little too late as you said... I believe ArcheAge was like that. It was great when it was announced and in beta... But then they took too long in beta and released it into the wild, only to find out there was major set-backs, glitches, and bugs. Or at least, when I started playing it. To be honest, I found Mabinogi through a free anime music website and that's how I got to know about Mabinogi. I saw it, fell in love, and watched Lorna and Pan tutorial videos while I waited for my download. Sadly that didn't happen because Mabinogi didn't work for me at that time... So I jumped in when G13 came out. Ahem.. Anyway.

As for Nexon waiting for it to die, I would disagree with you... but on the same coin, I also agree. I disagree because of all these "gachas" they're doing is killing both the economy and community. Economy because everyone is trying to get that one outfit, wear it for a day to be a show-off and then sell it for 99 million gold and doesn't come down until the next big and new thing. It's killing the community because I left the Live version because of that very reason as well as the absurd amounts of people being snobs and laughing at how "weak" a newcomer can be. I remember when I logged in, I had like at least five to ten people talking to me and welcoming me back to Erinn with open arms and smiles. Now it's all about giving the cold shoulder and seeing who's better than the other. So yeah. I get the feeling Mabinogi will die off... but I don't foresee it happening anytime soon with all these gachas Nexon is doing.
Posted at 12-04-17, 02:16 pm Link | #14

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Only reason why the game is still online is because of those people trying to get that 1 outfit.

I've heard (and also seen screenshots) of people spending almost literally thousand(s) of dollars on just 1 gachapon or bundles (specifically the one that gives lvl 200 pets [a.k.a p2w pets]). People like this are the only reason why the game is still being pushed out; nexon can make a quick buck off of an update that they translated and trimmed of content NA doesn't have. I'm not pinning badges either, I've spent my fair share of funds towards Mabinogi, and nexon in general. As a reminder: I've kept every piece of plastic NX card I've ever bought, just to remind myself how frivolous it was (around $600 in physical plastic with much more done via debit card).

What sickens me most is how people value a virtual item as much as a real, tangible item. Team Fortress 2's market was the first I ever experienced of this, and I, as well as the entire community, was obsessed with trying to open crates for rare items. Even when I got scammed because I trusted my friend on a deal I went into a major depression because I worked a real job at minimum wage saving up for it. The entire community tanked, however, when the economy crashed from the game going F2P, then again at the 'Meet Your Match' update. Thankfully I've grown up from that and hold no value over shite on the internet anymore.

This kind of sickness is affecting a mass majority of gamers today, however, and is the primary reason why people refuse to play a game without spending more money than on the label. Those who have or still do spend money on games use it as an incentive to continue playing.

Gachapons and Microtransactions are the cancer of video games and the primary reason why major corporations continue to make money on games that are poorly managed and updated. Players refuse to try something new because they have spent so much money and they build the illusion that if they keep playing, it wasn't a waste. Some people even spend a quick $20 just to motivate themselves to keep playing, which isn't fair.

I want Mabinogi to die. I'd rather see it offline in NA forever than continue being the shell of a game it is today. Entire reason I'm here was for the purity of the game's content, not the false images of power through gachapons.
Posted at 12-05-17, 12:00 am Link | #15

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Only reason why the game is still online is because of those people trying to get that 1 outfit.

I've heard (and also seen screenshots) of people spending almost literally thousand(s) of dollars on just 1 gachapon or bundles (specifically the one that gives lvl 200 pets [a.k.a p2w pets]). People like this are the only reason why the game is still being pushed out; nexon can make a quick buck off of an update that they translated and trimmed of content NA doesn't have. I'm not pinning badges either, I've spent my fair share of funds towards Mabinogi, and nexon in general. As a reminder: I've kept every piece of plastic NX card I've ever bought, just to remind myself how frivolous it was (around $600 in physical plastic with much more done via debit card).

What sickens me most is how people value a virtual item as much as a real, tangible item. Team Fortress 2's market was the first I ever experienced of this, and I, as well as the entire community, was obsessed with trying to open crates for rare items. Even when I got scammed because I trusted my friend on a deal I went into a major depression because I worked a real job at minimum wage saving up for it. The entire community tanked, however, when the economy crashed from the game going F2P, then again at the 'Meet Your Match' update. Thankfully I've grown up from that and hold no value over shite on the internet anymore.

This kind of sickness is affecting a mass majority of gamers today, however, and is the primary reason why people refuse to play a game without spending more money than on the label. Those who have or still do spend money on games use it as an incentive to continue playing.

Gachapons and Microtransactions are the cancer of video games and the primary reason why major corporations continue to make money on games that are poorly managed and updated. Players refuse to try something new because they have spent so much money and they build the illusion that if they keep playing, it wasn't a waste. Some people even spend a quick $20 just to motivate themselves to keep playing, which isn't fair.

I want Mabinogi to die. I'd rather see it offline in NA forever than continue being the shell of a game it is today. Entire reason I'm here was for the purity of the game's content, not the false images of power through gachapons.

Bingo. This a thousand times. The financial base that's sustaining Mabinogi NA is a small class of elite players who pour literal thousands of dollars into the game. All the cries of "dead game" because of lower player numbers aren't taking into account the fact that Nexon NA doesn't care about those figures at this point. The people leaving aren't lost sales, they were never going to buy into this nonsense to begin with. The power players who dump all their money into the game aren't going anywhere...and those are the only players Nexon cares about keeping. As long as they keep a skeleton crew working to translate updates and implement new cosmetics then the money will keep flowing.
Posted at 12-05-17, 05:47 pm Link | #16

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Bad devs.
Posted at 12-15-17, 05:47 pm Link | #17

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Bad publishers was my problem
post rev. 1 by OoThatGuyoO on 12-17-17, 08:52 pm
Posted at 12-17-17, 08:51 pm Link | #18

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Bad publishers was my problem

Bad devs and publisher. Not unless Nexon purposely forced then not to upgrade the game engine or anything else people wanted along these lines.
post rev. 1 by Drahan on 12-23-17, 02:35 pm
Posted at 12-23-17, 02:34 pm Link | #19
Drahan GM

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Bad publishers was my problem

Bad devs and publisher. Not unless Nexon purposely forced then not to upgrade the game engine or anything else people wanted along these lines.
They have no choice.
There is no game engine that can replace Pleione.

To "upgrade" it is to rewrite it from complete scratch which is problem in itself.
I don't want to explain why this is a bad idea in depth, so if you're curious read that blog post.

Nexon, in a way, did force them not to upgrade the game engine. Nexon is their bank roll, and can they really justify going through all of the hell that they'd have to go through to rewrite the entire game from scratch to their bank roll?
No, obviously not.

Pleione is hooked deep in every single part of this game. It's not easy to just "upgrade" it. Mabinogi's codebase has thousands and thousands and thousands of lines of code that are interlinked with the "engine".
Pleione isn't really even a game engine, it was a project "base", not an "engine". Everything in this game is built around Pleione and interlinked with it.
Pleione is the game itself.

To put it simply, it would cost probably a few million dollars to "upgrade" Pleione, and the process would be equivalent of writing a new game from scratch.
Posted at 12-23-17, 03:06 pm Link | #20
Alexa White

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Nice. But that is lie. They can upgrade Pleione.
Because I saw exactly same situation - Ragnarok Online - it have even older engine. And I saw two fan worked fan projects that completly replaces Ragnarok Online own engine. One make game work in browsers via WebGL and one make game work on android tablets. And that done by small group (or even by one man) without millions from publishers.

I played game via that client on some private server and it's completly fine.

It's not a "process would be equivalent of writing a new game from scratch" - it's just devcat abandon game and milking their playerbase via new payd content.

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