It's "Mabinogi", not "Me Myself and I".
Posted at 12-13-17, 08:30 pm Link | #1

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Anyone else tired of seeing the played that seem to have a separation anxiety if their alts aren't more than 2 inches form them. I understand allowed to have alts, and I can understand using them to fish, or to do different crafts, or hell to even play as a different class altogether. But these people that drag 3 or more alts to a field boss to leech rewards, or they drag them along in a party for shadow missions so they get 3x the rewards or so. It just kind of pisses me off that legitimate players are going to suffer because there are some assholes abusing the lenience the GM's were nice enough to give us. Excuse my language but this is something that's always rubbed me the wrong way.
post rev. 1 by Mizalie on 12-13-17, 08:43 pm
Posted at 12-13-17, 08:36 pm Link | #2

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I'm so upset this is a thing I actually got off my ass and fixed my account so I actually had an avatar because I feel like I'm gonna be back in this thread a few times.

I've been feeling the exact same sentiment recently. People would rather just run with their alts instead of other players at this point or drag them to field bosses and cause problems with them. I've been wanting to play more often since I've been relatively lazy, but it seems everyone else has found a way to be even more lazy than I am, so they'd rather play a multiplayer game alone with a bunch of loot dolls. Can't even find people to run actual content with since most people just seem to be spamming SMs with just them + alts to multiply what they get because it's not limited in any form.

It honestly should be cracked down at least SOMEWHAT at this point if you ask me, because it's ballooning worse and worse every day - hell, seeing a gigantic pile of people at Giant Lion and finding out LITERALLY half of the crowd is alts is actually ridiculous. There's 1-3 (come the FUCK ON) alts for some people, while only a few of us have enough integrity to play as it's meant to be played. I get fishing alts, I get crafting alts, but this is a whole other level of hell.

I'd like to have my multiplayer game back, thanks!
Posted at 12-14-17, 12:51 am Link | #3

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I can't enjoy this game
Posted at 12-14-17, 03:23 am Link | #4

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Posted at 12-14-17, 03:36 am Link | #5

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I don't do it because I'm literally so lazy I can't imagine having to switch to different mabi tabs just to get everone onto an altar or on to a carpet. It doesn't seem that fun to me lol.

I always imagined it being someone who can do bitw adv, but unable to find a group, going into bitw int solo and bringing alts along because why not. Who knows if that's accurate, but I always assumed it was hard to get a full party simply because we have maybe 60-80 players online all at different level ranges.
Posted at 12-14-17, 04:01 am Link | #6

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I always imagined it being someone who can do bitw adv, but unable to find a group, going into bitw int solo and bringing alts along because why not. Who knows if that's accurate, but I always assumed it was hard to get a full party simply because we have maybe 60-80 players online all at different level ranges.

Finding Adv-level players is not difficult, but finding them being willing to do something else that they technically profit less from is. People just do that because it's 'more rewarding' for them because they get the reward 3 times instead of just once, but slightly higher.
Posted at 12-14-17, 10:40 am Link | #7

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Just gonna throw my name in here. Wishing more people would be just running stuff for fun.
In that vein, add me if you want to do things! IGN: Kakusha
Posted at 12-14-17, 12:11 pm Link | #8

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I only run with my alts because I just recently joined the server and cannot run advance difficulty with most of the friends I met so far. If you ever want to run anything, my ign is Cum.
post rev. 1 by Russet on 12-15-17, 02:35 am
Posted at 12-15-17, 02:21 am Link | #9

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There is really nice benefits for having multiclienting available, being unable to solo content can be a big issue in this game with the small player base, and even though i personally dont like it when i see a million alts at events and raids giving players more opportunity to acquire rare gear allows more rare gear to be available.

I do have worries, players using alts can potentially out muscle players from content with their significant money production, like for instance in auctions, and it is impossible to trade money with players who do have this advantage of money.

Personally i would like for some way to keep the benefits that empower players without giving them a competitive advantage, but asking gms to police players spamming missions is really hard on the gms.

I feel i cannot personally figure out a solution that everyone including staff can benefit from but i hope we can find it \-u-/
Posted at 12-15-17, 07:08 am Link | #10

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I agree 100% that this is an issue and a growing one too,
but i think it all stems from the fact that most people here have already played Mabinogi over and over again, there patience with this game is waning, However i also can't think of any excuse to have alts replace real human companionship.

Finding people willing to help in Mabinogi Professional is definitely easier then back on live, there is less people afk and more active people compared to what you can find on live (Mari server player here)
And if you simply can't complete a dungeon, or quest you are probably not ready for it yet, grinding levels and training skills should then be your priority, not creating an army of alts to brute force whatever your main can't handle, and lets not even get into the
EXP 2x
Gold 2x
Item Drop 2x
Quest EXP & Gold 2x
AP 2x
Skill Training 2x
Part-Time Job EXP & Gold 4x

I agree that the ridiculous rng afk activities like fishing and so on could be performed by an alt, but when people start dragging a small militia into dungeons, field bosses and such, that's where i personally draw the line.
Posted at 12-15-17, 09:33 am Link | #11

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To all of you who have had constructive posts in regards to this thread, I thank you. You give me hope for the player base of this wonderful server.
Posted at 12-17-17, 09:39 pm Link | #12

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+1 to this, more than half of participants to field bosses n such are alts.

doesn't effect me any, but i see y'all being greedy.
Posted at 12-17-17, 11:24 pm Link | #13

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As one of the main users of alts I believe that there is no real way to remove them without creating unbalance. If you limit one account per computer, what about the people who have more than one PC? If you restrict it to IP, what about the people who have others in the housing playing? Also if you really think about it, what about the couples who play the game together? They will always have more loot chests than you and field boss loot. You might as well not invite them into your dungeons if your so concerned about greed. This recent complaint about alts has just made it even harder for the actual new players who just want to participate in the event, but can’t since they are under TTL 60.
If you do successfully find a way to stop them then the people who have already been using them would still have millions more gold than the ones who did not. There are different types of players in this game. There are casual players and there are the ones who are more dedicated to working towards their in-game goals. If you put in enough effort you will always be on top of those who don’t regardless. I have noticed that the players who are more determined have already been using alts. Also the community speaks for itself about alts when you realize that there were over 130 characters logged in onto the server for the Christmas event. I believe not many people are replying to this thread in fear of backlash and or witch hunting.
When I first started playing MabiPro I saw many people running alts through Ciar Basic, or in Blood In The Water. I realized this was the way to make gold. When I saw this, I did not complain or think it was unfair. I actually went ahead and my own alternate accounts to be able to do the same.
My alternate characters on the separate accounts are not just loot dolls. I actively rank up skills on them. One of them is a mage and one of them is an alchemist that has capped Synthesis and Fragmentation. I made my alchemist for the sake of helping others. The recent Peaca Int run I recently participated in would not have been possible to complete if I did not bring my alternate mage character on the separate account with us. We asked other mages to come but they declined the offer thinking that it would have been impossible to clear with the group that we had brought. So we finished the run with only one mage.
When I bring my alternates for field bosses I do bring them for the extra loot. The thing is I usually give the items away when I hold mini game events in Dunbarton square that is available for everyone to participate in since I do not need them for myself. The more characters there are at field bosses do not affect your own personal loot. And no it doesn’t affect your lag either when the boss dies because there is always lag for that. If anything it allows the chance for there to be more potential loot to be available. Alternate accounts are a beautiful thing on this server, it allows you to prof your weapons, gather from sheep, sell your items in Dunby square, do metallurgy at the same time while doing other things on your main account. It allows you to be more efficient with your time. Who wants to waste their time even more? The alternate accounts also allow you to gain the very rare Nao gift’s faster. There is no reason to NOT make an alternate account besides moral standing, and just pure laziness. You say it causes inflation? There will always be inflation the longer a server is around. I know it provides an advantage to people who would like to purchase items from the auction house but this is no real work around for this. I know I mentioned reworking the auction to just using red coins but even if you changed to red coin currency you can still purchase the red coins for gold from other players.
With that being said, Merry Christmas everyone and I hope the spirit of giving is within you all this holiday season.
post rev. 1 by Russet on 12-19-17, 07:45 am
Posted at 12-19-17, 07:44 am Link | #14

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Chirio i actually agree a lot with what youre saying!
alts in raids dont affect individual player drops and everyone still gets a cookie, i think its great you use alts to provide alchemy services! (i use my alt to make potions and help with exploration)
I agree that players who cannot use alts now will lose a way to catch up, and that players in groups always have an advantage and that the way this has been addressed so far has been really venomous and volatile.

BUT! im also really worried this alt thing has potential to be a larger problem as well, like with the old rabbie nerf players making too much money can be dangerous!

There is potential for this to cause segregation between those who do use alts and those who don't potentially forcing players to use alts to be able to compete in this games market (imagine 100k holy water haha), which can be a really big turn off for players who do not want to use alts or simply cannot run the game 3 times at once. the potential benefits of alts are really really helpful! but im not sure if its worth splitting players up in a cooperative game like this.

Once again i just hope theres a way to address this in a positive manner and im really sorry if you or anyone has been personally attacked over this chirio! nobody has the right to bully people over an opinion like this and im sad this devolved into bickering so quickly.

A solution that helps everyone might be a really elusive but i hope we can find it!
i hope you have a wonderful holiday season too °˖✧◝(⁰▿⁰)◜✧˖°
Posted at 12-19-17, 11:20 am Link | #15

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Alts are a good and bad thing.

I consider them like off-screen servants that you can control. They should be used primarily for life skills, collection, running shops, etc.

I don't approve of people bringing alts with them to farm SMs because this provides an unfair cash flow to the owner. Honestly this should be considered an offense, since there are those who can run a high payout SM on their own.

So use an alt for life-skills, ptjs, shops, etc. Don't use them for running SMs and money farming.
Posted at 12-19-17, 04:25 pm Link | #16

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Ban the use of logging into multiple accounts at the same time? problem solved?
Posted at 12-20-17, 12:28 am Link | #17

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The main flaw that everyone agrees about alts is the extra cash from bringing them to shadow missions or whatever, we're already getting 2x gold per mission, but people using alts are getting this much multiplied by 3 and this is the same reason why rabbie got nerfed. About other uses for alts like storage, thats fine, we dont have character cards yet and theres too many items to get, using them to try other skillsets? sure, go ahead, that'll give you some more freedom on your main character or just let you play whatever other way you want, and about rare loot from field bosses i dont know how it works, but if each rare item is only able to drop one of each per run, this would be another reason to not allow alts for this kind of activities, but even if its not like this, its still unfair that a single person gets more rewards for the only reason of getting alts online to leech of everyone else's efforts. Lets not abuse this oportunity of having alts that the GMs kindly gave us, and lets not give this server the same stupid inflation as nexon' servers, the sooner this is dealt with, the less the inflation we'll have to deal with.
Posted at 12-20-17, 12:41 am Link | #18

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Hi, I've been pretty vocal in global during discussions of my distaste of alt characters, but I never voiced my reasonings here, so let's get that taken care of.

The main problem with alt characters is NOT this event. It was NEVER about this event. The problem with alt characters is that they enable you to get x3 rewards (which were already x2) from shadow missions/theater missions. This leads to a HUGE influx of gold from people taking advantage of alt characters, and it's been rearing its ugly head in various places in our economy.
There has been an excellent solution suggested by Drahan, however. They have ways to tell what character is an alt and which is the "main". You would still be able to drop yourself into limited missions (Provocation requires exactly 3), but then the alt characters would be kicked back to the shadow altar, leaving the main character alone in the mission, and as the only one getting the clear reward.
The one thing we don't have information on is field boss drops. As long as everyone has an equal chance of rolling for rare items, that's fine. But say only 1 war sword drops per giant lion kill. Anyone with themselves and their 2 alts will have a much higher chance of rolling to get the 1 war sword drop. If that's not how the system works, then great! There's no real problem with alt spamming field bosses because the rewards are very limited. But if that is how it works...that's extremely unfair to your fellow players.
Yes, alts have already caused damage to the server and its economy. Auction house items are going for ridiculous amounts, and some people are throwing large sums of money for basic enchants they don't want to waste time finding themselves. But, if we don't stop them now, the damage will continue to become worse. What sense is there in letting something cause damage to the server stay, just because it's already caused damage? You wouldn't do that in a real life situation.

Thanks for reading.
Don't get into the Totemizer.
post rev. 1 by Primate on 12-20-17, 02:47 am
Posted at 12-20-17, 02:44 am Link | #19

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Remember items don't have to be rare. We are a small community of players. We "SHOULD" help each other out. Profits mean nothing in a small local economy. The thing is the market is so small, that if you had holy water you can spike it from 15k to 20k. I dont see the point of saying "War swords will screw up the economy." When war swords arent even a damage weapon... Its more of a fashion icon rather then a damage item.

Also you can't relate this to a real life situation. its a VIDYEA GAME BOI
Posted at 12-20-17, 03:10 am Link | #20

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GMs should just round up all the gold and split it evenly every month.

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