Introduce yourself
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:00 am Link | #1

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I realized this forum does not have an "introduce yourself" thread yet, so i decided to make one.

It's easy just:
Introduce yourself
Tell us how you found Mabinogi Professional
And don't forget your in game name (optional)
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:04 am Link | #2
Drahan GM

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I'm Drahan, MabiPro system administrator/director...
I made MabiPro.....and my ingame name is Drahan.
post rev. 1 by Flipend0 on 05-04-17, 04:51 am
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:15 am Link | #3
Flipend0 GM

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Am flippy
Usually busy, but when im not I do magic things to this server
My ign is.. Flipend0!
Nice to meet you !!¡¡
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:46 am Link | #4
Still a casual gamer

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Lazyfae ign
I just play casually as my time and my net allows

Found this server cuz... well i actually made mention on a site that i had given up on mabi and i would consider looking into unofficial servers after a month or two. Was in no rush cuz trying to understand nexon antics is like hurting yourself, and i just naturally associated mabi with nexon, 1+1. Someone saw my post, and pm'ed me on discord. Gave me a link to the site and, basically, just said i could check it out. And i've reached the point i'm at now, thanks to communicating with staff and users here.
Discord: Tonkatunk#7079
post rev. 4 by mesmerrow on 04-23-17, 02:57 am
Posted at 04-23-17, 02:47 am Link | #5

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I been playing since the very first few minutes of Mabinogi Europe's closed beta, i met a few nice people that i added and played with some more when the game launched into it's official release, i had my closed beta tester title (was proud of it) and from there on out, never looked back.
I got a few friends into mabinogi, but because of the games time consuming nature and slow progression pace, they never really got into it, only a single friend i knew in real stayed, and even he only played every now and then.
I clearly remember when things when south in Mabinogi eu and the hacking/cheating happened, i tried to stay safe as best as i could, and i did so with success, however the game itself, was not as lucky, some people were crashing the server left and right as they pleased, (because they could) and there was no response from any gm's of any sort (if there was ever any Mabinogi eu gm's) we were soon told that Mabinogi eu would close its doors, but that we where going to be allowed into Mabinogi North America.
I jumped into Mabinogi na the moment eu players were officially allowed to and started over of course, not only did i make much better choices, i also had more information on what to do and not to do with my character.
As time went on i met new people every now and then and had a blast, however mabinogi started heading into questionable paths, new content unrelated to the celtic themes mabinogi had been all about started to vanish, stories and content were starting to become unrelated to the core content mabinogi once introduced, too many cutesy outfits and blinding dye colors, too many pay to win cash shop items, as i once could proudly say that Mabinogi didn't have any pay to win content in it's cash shop, things were starting to change, the themes in terms of items, stories, clothe, skills and even the world that Mabinogi once established started to change into these different themes and systems, that was not only added and left to rot, but was never updated alongside the game itself or as new content came along.
I slowly started to lose intrest, little by little, i took longer and longer breaks, i started with weeks that became months, (i left for 3 months at a time sometimes.) and before i knew, i had lost most of the interest i once had for this game,
fewer and fewer people were running dungeons or doing anything besides afk'ing, it was getting increasingly hard to find people to play with, and the glory days of bumping into some random groupe with random armor sets holding swords and wands, asking to join them and doing a few dungeons along side them having fun and cracking jokes where something that started to feel like a lifetime ago.
People were few and unwilling to play the game, a game dumped down just for them to start jumping into some dungeons, however not even that could get them to move, after all they should be careful not to lose any durability on that 90mil ice white suit or pair of jet black wings.

Until today where i was told by an old Mabinogi played i once spend some of the greatest time i ever had on Mabinogi with that there was this private server called Mabinogi Pro, i had for a long time been searching for the possibility of a decent Mabinogi private server or at least some hint that someone out there was working on one.
I jumped in today and read some posts, gm's seems mature from the few comments i read and people seems to be nice, tho a bit too "hardcore" in my opinion, as i often feel that i sometimes need a hand in determining certain stuff like skill training and so on.

I'll be downloading and playing later today, please don't hesitate to add me.

Posted at 05-02-17, 05:49 pm Link | #6

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Eltien for my ign, though I frequent a couple alts (namely Calypso and Romina).

Heard about the server from a friend of a friend and have been playing for a little over a month now. Though I only rebirthed for the first time the other day, very lazy with progressing. (You can do it every 14 days from your last rebirth so...)

Hope you enjoy the server though, it's been fun to have a game to grind.
Posted at 05-04-17, 03:44 am Link | #7

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Hi everyone~! My name is Nikki! I played Mabinogi for almost 10 years now. It's been such a fun and delight. Before the Mari Server hacking, I helped a ton of people train and such with dungeon runs and things like that. I really loved the game and had many friends I only had in game. After the hacking though, the fun died down and a lot of my friends refused to come back to the game.

I had since met a ton of people in my local friend groups that had also played Mabi. One of them actually referred me to this server. I really like it and I'm so glad I got to get my username from Mabi onto here as well. It is Nikkz if anyone wants to friend me. I'm always up to run dungeons and such. I'm actually working on Final Shot and Falcon right now.

Hope to see you guys in game. <3
Posted at 05-04-17, 04:45 am Link | #8

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Hey there! My IGN in Taslas, I've played Mabi off and on for years now, but never for really more than a few months at a time. I ended giving up on the live server because of the dungeon revamp and cash shop and all that lovely stuff. I found MabiPro from a post on r/Mabinogi, someone mentioned it being a new server, and thought "hey, this could be fun!", and here I am. Currently, loving every second and trying my best to make my way as a solo player XD If you need anything, I don't know how much I can help, but I can certainly try!
post rev. 1 by Mihoshika on 05-04-17, 12:45 pm
Posted at 05-04-17, 12:42 pm Link | #9

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... Hullo. I am me. No more introductions needed... Let's see... I likez musix, which means I likez Mabinogi. Only game that that has a (really) good music system. A bit sad there's none of the instruments from commerce in here... Yet... (Here's to hoping, eh?)

Trying to break my habit of being anti-social... Not really helping that the server is (relatively) empty. Still, met some beautiful peoplez in-game. Yay for the power of internet~ Luna is best pony\

Oh, and I came to this server because the other one is too pay-to-win, and ain't nobody got time for that. The idea of being able to get pets from simply playing... Granted, the selection is a bit sparse at the moment... However, not really any room to complain. Server has a lovely community, from what I've seen so far, and an even better staff.
Posted at 05-06-17, 01:35 pm Link | #10

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Hello. I am who i am. Found Mabinogi Pro accidentally via google when searching for information on a quest in Mabinogi. I have played Mabinogi for years with heavy downtime in between. I have a love-hate relationship with Mabinogi in that i find the game charming and like no other but i dislike how nexon is handling the game. Its way to heavy on the P2WIN.

Curious on how a private Mabinogi server will be, i decided to try and download the client.
Posted at 05-17-17, 12:27 pm Link | #11

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I'm a fan of mabinogi since I discovered this game thanks to a friend in summer 2008.
I live in Europe so I first played on mabinogi NA with a proxy (Ruairi server, ign: redclad) and moved to mabinogi EU (Macha server, ign: Clad) when it finally opened. With my knowledge of mabinogi NA, I directly went to get the dugald aisle seal breaker title on Macha server.
I'm mostly playing melee and getting windmill to rank 1 was my first priority on both servers (same here, thanks double ap rate and training exp).

I raised the Milletians guild on Macha which was the largest in sheer number (but few stayed active) to gather the french community of Macha.
Unfortunately we all know how mabinogi EU ended.... I decided to stay alone until the very last hour of the server and to rank enchanting to Rank 1 as a last achievement and parting memory with mabinogi in spring 2012. It was a good opportunity to stop playing since I didn't have much time (had to write my master degree thesis then hop on 4-year PhD studies).
Now I still don't have much time but the nostalgia caught me and I wanted to experience again this great game in a state that wasn't yet destroyed by the second development team (it started to go wrong at G13 in my opinion, both lore and gameplay wise).

Hope to see you in game (ign: redclad) and spend some good time together with a community driven server.
Posted at 05-17-17, 07:58 pm Link | #12

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Hi. I'm Patrick.
Posted at 05-18-17, 12:35 am Link | #13

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Hello hello. My main character's ign is Autumn.

I first started playing Mabinogi... back when dark knights were first becoming a thing? It's fuzzy because I was (and in some ways still am) garbage at the game, and never made it too far. I played the game off and on for a few years, with a long drop between g13 and live for no particular reason, so it's nice to be on a server that hasn't fallen so far down the nexon rabbit hole.

I heard about MabiPro when someone on reddit made a post about the Soluna blades event on here, and I decided to give it a shot. No regrets.
Posted at 05-21-17, 06:39 pm Link | #14

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Hello, my name is Selakiir

I have been playing mabinogi since G3 Dark knight, and I am still fairly active in mabi live, someone was advertising in a party ad over on the mari server, so i decided to come check it out
Posted at 05-26-17, 06:12 pm Link | #15

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Hitshugaya. Played since 2004, quit at 2014 .
Thank you all...
Posted at 05-26-17, 11:18 pm Link | #16

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IGN: Kohfu
Just started this server, found out from a guy who i met IG when we were talking about old mabi. I've played original Mabi since Alexina server was first released. I think I might have the oldest account that is still well active. Many people left because of the grind and the pay to win, and I started to feel the same, I rather pay $50 to play and enjoy the game, rather than having to pay pay pay, rely on rng, and refer to a black markets costing hundreds in order to compete in the game. Even if it was a $15 monthly fee I wouldnt mind

The one thing I hope this server does and reduce the grind on life skills, they don't offer that much more stat boost, and you barely use them(some are helpful but arent painful to train like potion making and metallurgy) I think skills shouldn't be cp based to train either, because you'll have to reset a whole lot( for windmill and ect) but maybe a few exceptions

Also, if you need a writer for a new story line I am pretty talented, and can create an idea on the fly, that is theme related or something. Also new ideas for an event let me know as well because I can do that too.
Posted at 06-02-17, 07:27 am Link | #17

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IGN DorkOrca.

Played on Alexina for a couple years on and off, have no experience with Mabi prior to that. I'm not near as anal about "NO CUTE THINGS IN MY CELTIC GAME" as some people here seem to be, lol. But I wanted to participate in an MMO with a more closely knit community and actually be able to witness first-hand the progress of a new server... So I figured I'd join!
post rev. 3 by Lyekouyioue on 07-27-17, 11:40 am
Posted at 06-07-17, 08:24 am Link | #18

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I don't have a character yet . .

~ Hi hi•
I don't really have much to say in regards to mabi because I quit playing videogames ENTIRELY for about two years
But I do hand-drawn animation! Mostly on paper, but I sometimes make boredom gifs with Krita

EDIT: Game's installed! .... Now... what to name my first char. . . ..
Posted at 06-11-17, 11:25 am Link | #19

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Hai I'm Meorin and I'm from the Netherlands.

I started playing Mabi in the beta of Mabi EU 2010 and then moved to NA Alexina in 2012 after EU shut down, I missed the old combat system so it's really great to have a private server again that has the old version, I found out about the private server through Facebook.

Next to Mabi I also play Haven & Hearth, Exanima, Dark Souls and used to play Wizardry Online (RIP).
Posted at 06-24-17, 01:05 pm Link | #20

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Hey, I just joined last week. Started playing on NA just after beta. Later I moved to EU(better ping, ing Magic) where I played until it shutdown. Ping to mabipro is pretty good so I enjoy playing again.

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