Taking The Suck Out of Mabi Pro (as little as there may be) (rev. 1 by DoctorViper on 05-28-17, 01:24 am)
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:06 am Link | #1

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Hello everyone, and good morning/afternoon/evening/night. Before we begin, there are a few things I wish to get out of the way.

Firstly, if you're looking for a TL;DR, I will include that at the end if you don't feel like reading through the thoughts of someone who reached past level 1000 on the official Mabi server and had been a part of its community since Generation 15.

Second, let's go over a few questions or statements you may be inclined to ask or bring up as a counter-argument, accordingly:

NO, I am...
✘ ... NOT asking for major changes in the current combat system. I am fully aware of the aim of Mabi Pro is to be a safe haven for those not a fan of the Genesis update and the changes it made to its combat system, and that the GMs are likely going to be maintaining that fact as closely as possible.
✘ ... NOT demanding modernization of this server to be up to date with Mabi Official. Once again, I respect the ultimate goal of Mabi Pro. Generation 13 is seen as the perfect middle-ground in terms of recapturing Mabinogi's golden age, and I've been working on a list of suggestions and changes that try to meet this community half-way.
✘ ... NOT spoiled by the features present in Mabi Official. If anything, it's obvious that Nexon is trying too hard to keep a slowly dying MMO alive, from the game's release on Steam and creation of Alexina, to the flood of special events that "coincidentally" involve either money-grabbing or a free pet at the cost of your own attendance and spare time, to the Adventure Seals that, while originally meant to be an incentive for activity, came out as a chore to accomplish in the end, all due to its rather ludicrously priced benefits. All of this, in an infuriating use of the carrot and the stick; the carrot being the goodies involved, and the stick being the obstacles that intentionally impede quality of life for the sake of making the player spend money on the game.
✘ ... NOT going to give Mabi Pro flak for the game's incomplete Japanese to English translations. That's a problem that isn't anyone's fault, and if any of the translation team is reading this: you're doing God's work, and I wish you luck on the work ahead of all of you.
✘ ... NOT going to base my critique on issues or missing features that are very obviously being worked on or will be worked on in the near future. Simple as that.

✔ ... I AM aware that the server's files are based on a leak. I'm also aware that the rumors of G17 leaked files are just that. But that can't stop us from attempting to recreate specific features in Mabi Official with what we have at hand, can it?
✔ ... I AM aware that the community likes the game as is, and in fact play it because of its old-school combat. However, for people like me who have essentially been red-pilled or had a self-administered epiphany on Nexon being a bad company that made their best game worse as time went on, they're going to eventually find this community and join it because of the idea of custom content, freemium items, a community with pubbies that are actually helpful and active, and other things that Nexon either fails to offer or intentionally disbars its community from them.
✔ ... I AM a fan of the pre-genesis combat system, even as it is right now. I just feel that there certain things about it that could be made better.
✔ ... I AM going to get on with it.

With that out of the way, here are a few points that I think could improve the game for the better, while hopefully maintaining the integrity of the vision of Mabi Pro.

1. Homesteads & Dressing Rooms - Even when starting off with a bag containing a whopping 150 cells, and the ability to get one or even two more with some gold, the more fashionable players that may join or already have joined will be faced with the problem of extra clothing and armor sets, and not to mention being unable to change their hair or facial features without waiting for rebirth. The Dressing Room is honestly one of the best features to come out of the official server since it enabled the ability to change from combat gear and into a cosplay outfit. If the current list of hairstyles, faces, eyes, and mouths were to be imported into Mabi Pro, we'd be one step closer to dressing up like our favorite canon characters. This is allegedly being worked on as we speak.

Dante and Virgil, c. 2015

Homesteads were also an interesting feature. Players could not only create their own small slices of heaven, but if you didn't feel like going to certain locations in order to gather mana herbs or to conduct alchemy or smithing, you could invest resources in order to bring those tasks to your homestead, and with enough time and effort, you'll be able to make your life easier if you want to make some more health potions for yourself, or if you wanted to save some gold smelting ores at your place.

2. GET DOSE FUKKEN SKILLS TO RANK 1! - When you're first starting off, you do need to plan carefully on what skills you have to spend AP on, even when you're earning double what you normally do when you earn AP. Otherwise, you'll end up getting ass-blasted during the main questline, a shadow mission, or even a dungeon. But what about after that? As it stands, skills such as charge, handicraft, first aid, musical knowledge, and certain alchemy skills are capped at level 6, and Sharp Mind of all things is capped at rank A. I don't think I need to explain why this is priority.

3. Character Creation Is Primitive and Bare-Bones - Going back to my Dressing Rooms suggestion, it wouldn't hurt to import the hairstyles already present in the official game. To clarify, this applies to the selection of eyes and mouths specifically, and also the GUI. There's already a large roster of hairstyles as it is.

4. Wait, These Things Aren't Post-Genesis!? - Being able to buy knuckles and becoming a fighter would be pretty nice. Rather than get the Talent system in here, why not use the Destiny system? Bring the trading NPCs in so we can earn ducats. Get rid of the HP consumption with Windmill, even if it means ditching the invincibility frames it offers. Make Moon Gates behave like Iria's Mana Tunnels for fuck sakes!

5. Inventory Tabs - A small gripe. Why can't we have a 'Me' tab to store all our quest and player-unique items? They're just going to get in the way if we decide to take a break from the main quest or certain side-quests and then pursue a life skill.

And TL;DR: There's no harm in incorporating features from newer generations of Mabinogi Official that don't suck, right? In fact, are all the combat changes really from Genesis and beyond?
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:23 am Link | #2

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Sadly, a lot of these features such as Homesteads and inventory tabs I'm pretty sure are impossible or extremely impractical edits simply because no one has the server-side files to manage them.

As for #2 and #3 though, I believe the team has already been gradually making progress on these, we got a new Composing rank-up book as well as a big chunk of new hairstyles recently! As well, character creation is already expanded beyond official Mabi by enabling more hair colors and things like more varied skin tones for elves.
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:24 am Link | #3
Drahan GM

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1: Impossible
2: We've already lowered the cap on some skills. More to come in the future.
3: We've already done this (above and beyond what the latest version of the game has even)
4: Impossible
5: Impossible.
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:35 am Link | #4

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3: We've already done this (above and beyond what the latest version of the game has even)

Where's the Romeo & Juliet hairstyles, then?

4: Impossible

Yeah, okay, most of those points were rather optimistic. But--and you're free to call me a baby here if you must--is it really that hard to remove the HP cost from windmill?
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:58 am Link | #5

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even if homestead was possible, that would be a great way to ruin the game.
Remove the effort of getting things, yeah. Great idea.
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:00 am Link | #6
Flipend0 GM

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The Romeo & Juliets Hairstyles will most likely be released in Batch #2, and after that we have Batch #3 for the hairstyles.

We've been looking into adding more face features, the one with the tattos and such. I still need the PMGs for that but we've been working on other stuff (Summer Gachapon, Patterns creations, Item Imports, Event plannings). I'm mostly responsible for most of these stuff to put into effect, but a lot has to do with Timing, and with my certain work situation. Its complicated
post rev. 2 by Drahan on 05-28-17, 02:04 am
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:01 am Link | #7
Drahan GM

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Where's the Romeo & Juliet hairstyles, then?
Never said we had them all (but they're on the way), but we've got a plenty from G20 and plenty of region exclusives, tons of colors that are not available in any region, including custom colors for pets (see Shire colors).
I'd say you have a much better selection here, especially since you don't have to pay anything for any of them.

is it really that hard to remove the HP cost from windmill?
You're asking if it's really that hard to modify code that was already compiled into native X86 without the source code to re-compile it.
Basically, that is modifying code at the CPU level, in assembly, which is the lowest possible level it can be. No, it's not easy to modify and it's definitely not easy to understand Mabinogi's gigantic codebase (probably about 20,000 files+ in source code) especially after it's been stringed together by a compiler in order to add the new features you've suggested.
You have to remember that those features literally do not exist in this version.

For Windmill specifically, it requires modifying the SkillD library and NOPing out the operation that reduces player HP. Not hard for an experienced reverse engineer, which we have on the team; however we do not want to remove Windmill's HP debuff because it would greatly fuck up the balance.
post rev. 4 by mesmerrow on 05-28-17, 02:34 am
Posted at 05-28-17, 02:26 am Link | #8

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(language please.... ) I definitely agree with this one, but i also think it's something that will be implemented sooner or later.

4. Wait, These Things Aren't Post-Genesis!?
While it could be fun to bring some of the later skill sets into the game, we have to remember that almost if not all of the enemies could not properly fight you if you were using most of the later implemented skill sets. (except the bard skill set )

5. Inventory Tabs
I was under the impression we got the extra bag specifically for that purpose ?
(quest items)
Posted at 05-28-17, 03:20 am Link | #9

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The fact that you joined Mabi Live at g15 means much of the community will disagree with some of those quality of life changes. Homesteads would need balancing because free herbs is actually kind of game breaking. Fighter is unlikely to be added as the quick instant load style with cooldowns after is what inspired the Genesis combat. It is also broken for soloing bosses. Every combat class has a single target move for dealing with bulky targets anyways. You can choose a destiny after rebirthing for the first time. The Ducat trading system gives either sub par weapons, or something gimmicky. Removing the health penalty on WM would just make melee the best class at every stage of the game. Also I imagine golems would get the same treatment. Could you imagine giant 1000 health rocks windmilling for basically free.
It's possible you are not the target audience for this server. You could always go back to live. You just joined after Nexon changed Mabinogi's identity.
Posted at 05-28-17, 03:42 am Link | #10

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The legendary weapons from trading where OP, if you had the time to grind for them.
post rev. 1 by DoctorViper on 05-28-17, 03:44 am
Posted at 05-28-17, 03:43 am Link | #11

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The fact that you joined Mabi Live at g15 means much of the community will disagree with some of those quality of life changes.

I know.

You could always go back to live. You just joined after Nexon changed Mabinogi's identity.

Ah, yes. I would love to go back to the money-grabbing grind that's been the topic of arguments amongst peers I've attempted to introduce the game to. /s

Besides, I'm already used to Mabi Pro now. Now that I got my thoughts out and onto a forum post, I'm able to focus on enjoying the game itself.

is it really that hard to remove the HP cost from windmill?
[Coding jargon intensifies]

Sorry for doubting you, then. I was just curious.

The Romeo & Juliets Hairstyles will most likely be released in Batch #2, and after that we have Batch #3 for the hairstyles.

We've been looking into adding more face features, the one with the tattos and such. I still need the PMGs for that but we've been working on other stuff (Summer Gachapon, Patterns creations, Item Imports, Event plannings). I'm mostly responsible for most of these stuff to put into effect, but a lot has to do with Timing, and with my certain work situation. Its complicated

Oh, that's alright! I wish there was some way I could help you guys out, but I don't have any of the relevant skills. Unless you guys are somehow looking for a writer and/or hobbyist "graphics designer."
Posted at 05-28-17, 01:06 pm Link | #12

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Romeo hair is actually already out o.o
Posted at 05-28-17, 05:57 pm Link | #13

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Romeo hair is actually already out o.o

Is it? I didn't see it in the CC.
Posted at 05-29-17, 12:33 am Link | #14

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Romeo hair is actually already out o.o

Is it? I didn't see it in the CC.


Right there, Doc. It's been out since the first batch of hair.

Now to bring this back on topic;
I've been around the Offical since G13, so these are my thoughts upon your thoughts.

1. Homesteads & Dressing Rooms - As much as I loved the idea of Homesteads, I can understand why so many people were against it. It just simply means an easier way to gather herbs rather than going into Ciar Dungeon a billion times until you can get that Mana herb patch, no more people actually going to Taillteann because they have their own Steam and Dry Ovens, no more people going to Blacksmiths because they already have their own Anvils and Furnaces, the list goes on... Simply put, it's just another way to escape those drag-along areas. In turn, to me, sucks because I'd like to see working on their hard-earned armor or weapon. As a person who loves decorating, I love the idea of Homesteads... but I also understand it's not for everyone here.
Dressing Rooms, on the other hand, I wouldn't mind. I had over 100 outfits and items in the Official, both male and female of all three races. What sucks about it though... Personally, I don't know why it would suck. Like you said, we can always change outfits in a flash... But I guess to each their own.

2. GET DOSE FUKKEN SKILLS TO RANK 1! - First off, I didn't get that at all until I had to smack my head a few times. lol... Anyway. Yes, I can agree making all the skills to rank 1... But I understand these things take time. So just be patient and wait.

3. Character Creation Is Primitive and Bare-Bones - Like... make joints move or what's your plan there? Or are you wanting to the team to make more eyes and mouths? I'm confused...

4. Wait, These Things Aren't Post-Genesis!? - Honestly? I loved having my fighter in the Official. Made me sorta like Tifa Lockhart in the FF7 series... But then I also realized how far Nexon went... Guns, Scooters, everything not related to the Celtics. (Because remember, Mabi was supposed to be somewhere in the Celtics Medieval time period... from my understanding anyway.)
As for NPCs trading posts for getting ducats.. Well. Adding another currency to me threw the gold prices out of wack. Bad enough people made dyes like 15k to 50k each unlike here; 5k at the very least to 15k at the most... Those prices don't include the "pure" black or white. Even though I'm sure commencing was fun on the Official, I personally never really actually cared for it. It was just another mini game with annoying imp-like Navi from Legend of Zelda. I really wished I knew how to turn off that silly, annoying imp.
Moon Gates acting like the Mana Tunnels... Nah. I like the idea of the Moon Gates opening up at night because they activated by the "moon" where at the Mana Tunnels are activated by the sun. I never did like it when Nexon made it where you could go anywhere in the Moon Gates though... It ruined the adventure of waiting for the right moon gate. Nexon made it even worse where every you could go anywhere with the click of a moon gate because again, lack of adventuring the world.

5. Inventory Tabs - Okay. This one I can agree on, but I also understand that certain items will have to be coded to go in said tab.

All in all, I understand the pros and cons about this whole tread. I love your ideas, Doc... But you also have to think of the MabiPro team's side on things. They were just players of Nexon, like all of us once upon a time. It's bad enough we're making them run the servers, keeping it stable, and helping others with bugs, glitches, and translation errors/fixes. As Drahan has told us before, we're not going any further than G13. They might add new things, but those things do take time, money, and whole lot of patience.
Posted at 05-29-17, 01:59 am Link | #15

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you are aware post g12 has a different dev team?
Posted at 05-29-17, 02:50 am Link | #16
Arisa GM

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I'm also aware that the rumors of G17 leaked files are just that.
They aren't just rumors. We have the G17 files (also G16 and G20), but G13 was so much closer to the golden age of Mabinogi and we unanimously decided that G13 would be the version that MabiPro would use.
Posted at 05-29-17, 07:29 am Link | #17

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I'm also aware that the rumors of G17 leaked files are just that.
They aren't just rumors. We have the G17 files (also G16 and G20), but G13 was so much closer to the golden age of Mabinogi and we unanimously decided that G13 would be the version that MabiPro would use.

Well. That REALLY rustles my jimmies if that's the case. It'd certainly explain how you're importing items from Live.
post rev. 1 by lycoris on 05-29-17, 07:47 am
Posted at 05-29-17, 07:46 am Link | #18

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Importing items such as clothing actually doesn't take any server-only files to pull off, as long as they don't have a unique function like new skills. Everything's in the client as-is.

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