Posts: 46
Joined: 03-29-17
Last post: 1158 days
Last view: 174 days
I saw this thread the day it came out to the forums, but I've been delaying it due to work. However, now that I'm sorta free, I guess I should give you all my Mabinogi Life story... So get ready, grab a cup of tea or coffee (whichever you prefer, doesn't matter to me), and let me tell you my story… or more like you reading it.
It all started back when I was playing another MMO game called Fiesta Online. I was waltzing around until I heard a few people mention a game called “Mabi”. So with my 15 year old curious mind, I walked up and asked them what that game was about and all. Sure enough, they all glared at me and called me silly names because I was a "noob for not know what it was." Then they all laughed and went offline to go play this game so called “Mabi.” I wished I knew what they were talking about, so I did some research.
Sure enough, Google corrected me and said, “Do you mean Mabinogi?” So I clicked it and clicked the first link to Mabinogi. Then I saw it all. With it’s shiny website, the idea of you having campfires, playing a lute, going fishing, creating clothes.. Ugh. The list went on and on in my head and I was, “Holy crap! I GOTTA TRY THIS GAME!” So I immediately created an account, downloaded the game, (scanned for viruses), and waited… for hours on end for the download, installation, and updates. I watched a few of Lorna and Pan video tutorials until fell asleep at my laptop. And then… It happened.
I woke up to the login screen… Seeing the game say “Mabinogi: Pioneers of Iria.” I was soo hyped up, I typed in my username, my password and then… Nothing.. My computer crashed, went to a blue screen… I was sad, angry, and disappointed. So I waited for the blue screen to disappear and go back to normal. I tried again, crossing my fingers, hoping and believing it will let me in. And then it happened again… Blue screen. I was about to say fuck it until I tried ONE more time. Third time's a charm, right? So I logged in again, hoped to every God and Goddess out there… And then…
Blue screen…
Fuck it…
So when my computer went back to normal, I uninstalled Mabinogi, shutted down my laptop, and cried myself to sleep.
It’s been three years since I last heard of Mabinogi…
I was just playing my Fiesta Online game until I was so bored, I just logged off. At this time, I had a new laptop and didn’t care to do much. I was on winter break and went to go look for a different game to play. It didn’t hit me until I saw Mabinogi again… I was like, “Mabi… I wonder if I can play it on this laptop.” Wishful thinking, I clicked on the website and saw the website changed a little bit. It was still the same o’ self; fishing, tailoring, combat… Everything I remembered it as. Since it’s been awhile since I last logged in, I made a new account and downloaded the game. Same as before, just waited for installation, watched Lorna and Pan (which happen to be my two favorite characters in Mabi to this very day) and got a little hyped up from watching them. But flashbacks hit me that I might hit the blue screen, so I tried to calm myself from being overly happy about it. Once the updates were done, I clicked the Start Game button and logged in…
And then…
It launched me into the game. I was like… O.O; It… actually worked. I created my first character. I don’t remember who I made… I just made someone… I was there… In Erinn and out of the new fantasy life. So then I didn’t know what I was doing since I was so used to the idea of having “jobs/classes”. So then I thought I might make a new account with a better handling of what I wanted to do. And thus… My mage/cleric was born. Her name was Ziena (I wanted Zena but it was taken). I actually have pictures of her with my little brother; Danny who went to another name later on. I was enjoying myself along with my brother until him and I went and did very own event for the first time.
The event was actually an owl event for the premier of the new generation; Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet. This was the first time I actually made Ziena a combat mage. I got a few potions and other stuff until I actually got a “rare” prize back then. I got a Bat Dress with the bat emblem on it until somebody saw it and offered I believe 350,000 gold for it. Back then, I thought it was a lot of gold since income for me was quite hard. Then I told one of my guildies at the time told me that I was ripped off because “bat dresses go for a million gold” at that time. I felt misled and ashamed of myself. But that still didn’t stop me from playing Mabinogi because my little brother was loving the game, so I still played Mabinogi with him.
So I’ve been on and off about Mabinogi for about three years, and I still have my character, Ziena, on the Alexina server. A lot have changed in those three years. New weapons, fists, guns, more magick, new characters, new generations. So it’s been a trip on Mabi, my brother stopped a few months ago, sadly. But if you have seen me or even my friend on the Live version, let me extend my hello and hope you are well on MabiPro.
Now onto the Mabinogi Professional story. It’s short and brief.
I can just say that I saw this game on a YouTube channel who has a character here named “justadan” or something like that. So I was like.. “Eh.. I don’t do much private servers, but I’ll give this a shot.” So then I’m just here, playing the Mabinogi Professional more than the actually Mabinogi. So with that, I want to extend my gratitude to the MabiPro team as well a good handful of the community for me to enjoy the old school Mabinogi again. So thank you! Also. You can normally find me on MabiPro as Hope since that’s my only character and account here. Feel free to add me, if you wish… Just keep in mind that I’m normally AFK most of the time, but that’s because I’m working half the time. However, that won’t stop me from enjoying a small conversation with a new or even just an old friend.
And remember, you do have HOPE for this server and I do HOPE to see you in-game. ;D