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Thank you for visiting our website. MabiPro is an old school Mabinogi private server, with content up to G13 and new custom content added regularly, including our first custom generation, A1. It is free forever, and with no pay-to-win cash shop, so come give it a try! You can find our downloads page Here to get started. If you need any assistance, you can find our FAQ Here or in our Ticket Support Form. Thank you for joining!

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CH1 Online ( 18  237)
CH2 Offline
House Online ( 0  23)

91 players active in the last 24 hours

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Attribute Rate
EXP 2x
Gold 2x
Item Drop 2x
Quest EXP & Gold 2x
AP 2x
Skill Training 2x
Part-Time Job EXP & Gold 4x

News & Announcements

maintenance Game Server Maintenance 9/20
Posted on 09-20-23, 01:33 pm by Flipend0

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
09:45AM 09/20/23 to 11:45AM 09/20/23 (EST)
  • The Shadow Mission "Taillteann Defense Battle" loot drops has been revamped.
  • The Shadow Mission "Their Method" loot drops has been revamped.
  • The Dungeon "Peaca Basic" loot drops has been revamped.
  • Some equipments that have a "xml.itemdb" tag are now properly translated
  • A bug that causes Wedding NPCs to lock up during NPC Conversation is repaired.
  • The Food Buff Duration for "Tea" has been adjusted.
  • Magic Cast Speed Potion that Shyla sells at her shop price has been reduced.
  • Tin Potion that Shyla sells at her shop is moved to the Age Potion tab
  • The typo title for Maiz Prairie has been repaired
  • The typo quest for Ciar Basic HM Golem has been repaired
  • Special Upgrades was added for Quarterstaff

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff

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maintenance Game Server Maintenance 9/2
Posted on 09-02-23, 04:25 am by Flipend0

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
12:35AM 09/02/23 to 12:50AM 09/02/23 (EST)
  • There was an issue with the NPC regarding the Furnaces in Cobh, this is now fixed in this patch.
  • New Herb Pouches (Mandrake, Iridescent, Shamanic) has been added to Shamala for 25 Flag Scraps Each (50 for Irdescent).
  • There was a few typos found regarding some of the Minty Weapons when referring to the way percentages works in game's coding. Here is the list of typos that was found:
  • Yggdrasil sword : Previously, it was mentioned that Upon use of Smash, 20% chance to inflict Fast-Acting Poison, but in actuality it was 25% according to the game's code. The percentage mention has been updated in the item description.
  • Snake sword : Previously, it was mentioned that Upon use of Windmill, 10% chance to inflict Fast-Acting Poison, but in actuality it was 25% according to the game's code. The percentage mention has been updated in the item description.
  • Mystic Trident : Previously, it was mentioned that When Counterattack is used, 40% chance to inflict Paralysis, but in actuality it was 30% according to the game's code. The code for this has been adjusted to match the 40%.
  • Fighters Pickaxe (S Version Only) :Previously, it was mentioned that When Windmill is used on a Golem, 50% chance to drop ore, but in actuality it was 33% according to the game's code. The code for this has been adjusted to match the 50%.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff

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maintenance Game Server Maintenance 8/21
Posted on 08-21-23, 03:39 pm by Flipend0

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
11:45AM 08/21/23 to 12:45PM 08/21/23 (EST)
  • Minor Bug Fixes and Improvements added to the Plant Invasion event.
  • There was a typo for the Handmade Bandages Crafting Recipe, this has been repaired.

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff

1 comment (by jazzamoart). Log in to post a comment.

maintenance Game Server Maintenance 8/18
Posted on 08-18-23, 04:00 am by Flipend0

Dear Milletians,

Mabinogi Professional will be undergoing scheduled server maintenance during the following time:
12:00AM 08/18/23 to 04:15AM 08/18/23 (EST)
  • Ch1 has suffered a catastrophic memory leak issue where invalid item stat data is being applied to items. Full reboot will be performed
  • Database Operation to manually repair invalid item stats

We apologize for any inconvenience.

-MabiPro Staff

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event 8/15~8/30 Plant Invasion
Posted on 08-15-23, 02:37 pm by Flipend0

Image of Ancient Cube, which is located at East of Dunbarton's Town hall

A Plant invasion has unfortunatly occured at Dunbarton and Gairech.
A mysterious ancient cube was found around the corner of Dunbarton.
Unknown of what it's purpose for, But the cube has been assisting to slow the invasion down
However, the cube is running out of energy...
The Authorities of Dunbarton has issued a request for every millitean to gather Energy Herbs to support the ancient cube at all cost.
Maybe, you'll be rewarded with something.

Image of Mossy Math Dungeon, Showing Terrifying Monsters

Event Details:
- This event will be running from 8/15 to 8/30
- An Ancient Cube can be found at the east side of Dunbarton's town hall, Near the Upgrade Anvil.
- Terrifying Plants as Field Bosses will appear randomly around the outskirts fields of Dunbarton. Participating of taking down the plants will be rewarded with Energy Herbs.
- Gather up Energy Herbs to give to the Ancient Cube, The Ancient Cube will accumulate Energy from the Energy Herbs, This is a global variable.
- Once 100 Energy Herbs has been gathered up, there is a time limit of 10 minutes to gather the pass to enter in Mossy Math Dungeon. You may only obtain 1 pass. It is a 3 Dungeon Floor.
- Upon Completion of Mossy Math, You will obtain a reward on the treasure chest, along with a completion title.

1 comment (by Tomvercetti). Log in to post a comment.


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