Welcome to MabiPro!

Thank you for visiting our website. MabiPro is an old school Mabinogi private server, with content up to G13 and new custom content added regularly, including our first custom generation, A1. It is free forever, and with no pay-to-win cash shop, so come give it a try! You can find our downloads page Here to get started. If you need any assistance, you can find our FAQ Here or in our Ticket Support Form. Thank you for joining!

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Channel Status
CH1 Online ( 15  237)
CH2 Offline
House Online ( 0  23)

77 players active in the last 24 hours

Server Rates

Attribute Rate
EXP 2x
Gold 2x
Item Drop 2x
Quest EXP & Gold 2x
AP 2x
Skill Training 2x
Part-Time Job EXP & Gold 4x

News & Announcements

content poll Content Poll #3 is now open for voting!
Posted on 09-30-17, 06:40 am by Arisa

The voting period for Content Poll #3 has just begun! To vote, open the menu while in-game and click the Content Polls button. Then click the "VOTE" button next to Content Poll #3.

The poll is closed now, thanks everyone for voting!

2 comments (last by Arisa). Log in to post a comment.

game content Autumn Gachapon
Posted on 09-29-17, 11:57 am by Jade

As the leaves begin to drift from the trees, Shyla has new exciting items prepared for the Milletians of MabiPro!
This is one of our most custom-made and exciting Gachapons yet, with 140 potential items you can't possibly go wrong.
Let this collection bring forth a fun new season in MabiPro together.

To get the Autumn Gachapon, you must go to Shyla and talk to her, it will require 50 Red Fomorian Coins which you can acquire by engaging in combat with monsters.
We look forward to seeing how you like it!!!

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event Iria Zombie Attack Event (9/29~10/8)
Posted on 09-29-17, 06:27 am by Flipend0

[Defense Camp Image goes here]

One of the members from the Temporary Camp located at Muyu Desert found a flag during exploration. Apparently the zombies didn't like what we held in possession. We don't have much reinforcements for our camp, could you help out and protect our camp in the meantime?

October is coming up, and you know what that means? Lots of scary stuff, and zombies is just the start. Head on over to Rano and meet up with Alexina, she'll provide you the information to defend the camp. If you reach 90 points during the event you'll get a reward, but these points will reset so be quick!

Event Details

  • This event will run from 9/29 to 10/8
  • Upon logging in you'll receive a quest from Alexina. Meet her at Quilla Base Camp.
  • Zombie attack begins at 6PM in game and will end at 6AM.
  • If the players failed to defend the camp or if Eweca rises, you will lose all of your points
  • Reach 90 points to receive a reward. You must talk to Alexina to receive it.

5 comments (last by Fruttielicious). Log in to post a comment.

news launcher Launcher update released!
Posted on 09-28-17, 10:25 pm by Drahan

Hello Milletians!

I am glad to announce that Primary MabiPro Launcher version 2.1 has been released.

Updating to version 2.1 is required to patch the game properly now, due to changes in how our backend patch system works.

You can find the latest launcher on our downloads page by clicking here.

To update, download the new launcher executable and insert it into your MabiPro installation directory.

* Changed backend patching server from mabi.pro to mabinogi.ir.
* Increased patch performance on highly outdated clients. This update allows the patcher to skip obsolete patches.
* Changed icon from orange Celtic knot to black Celtic knot.
* Fixed some bugs.

5 comments (last by Drahan). Log in to post a comment.

content poll Content Poll #3
Posted on 09-28-17, 04:45 am by Arisa

Content Poll #3 is coming up! Content polls are MabiPro's tool to gauge how much community support new features and changes to the game have before they are implemented. Voting on this poll will start on Saturday, but the questions that will appear on the poll are going to be listed here so that the community can discuss them before the vote starts. You are free to discuss the questions in the comments of this post. If your total level is at least 20, you can vote on the poll in-game once it officially opens by clicking the "Content Polls" button in the game menu. Note that for a question to pass, at least 75% of voters must vote Yes on it. We will do our best to implement changes described by questions that pass the vote.

The questions

Question 1 Should the stack size of cobwebs be increased from 5 to 10?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 2 Should the stack sizes of thick and thin thread balls be increased from 5 to 10?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 3 Should the stack sizes of all alchemy crystals be doubled?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 4 Should it be possible to dye shields?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 5 Should it be possible to dye wands?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 6 Should it be possible to dye bows?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 7 Should it be possible to dye siren's masks?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 8 Currently, Shyla appears in all of her locations simultaneously. Should she instead only be at one location at a time, like Price?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 9 Should a new tier of lesser gachapon be added to contrast the expensive seasonal gachapon? It would be purchasable from Shyla for a small number of red coins, and contain less valuable items.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 10 Currently, there are no obtainable pets in the game with area-of-effect (AoE) abilities. Should AoE pets become available through Shyla's shop? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, they should be released with standard price points depending on their power
  • Yes, but it should only be possible to have one pet with an AoE ability on each account
  • Yes, but they should cost very large amounts of red coins to make them difficult to obtain
  • No, the pets should still be released but only if their AoE abilities are removed
  • No, don't release the pets at all
  • Skip question
Question 11 Should the rate at which MP is regenerated through the use of the Meditation skill be increased? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, make it as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • Yes, but not quite as strong as it is in Nexon's Mabinogi
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 12 Should we run a special content poll that revisits some past questions that failed to pass at the time?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 13 Should knuckle weapons be added? There would still not be any knuckle-specific skills.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 14 Should some future pets be released on a rotating schedule? They will only be available for a limited amount of time until another set of pets becomes available for purchase. No pets introduced in this fashion will become permanently unobtainable - they will always eventually become available again.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 15 Currently, the Composing skill is capped at rank 6. Should the skill book "Instrumental Timbre" (that allows characters to raise Composing from rank 6 to 5) be added? It will be sold by Nele for 220,000 gold.
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 16 Profile pages on the website show a list of characters associated with an account along with some of their stats. Should time played become one of the publicly visible stats on this page? (This question resolves to No unless at least 75% of votes are scattered across "Yes" options, in which case the question resolves to the most popular "Yes" option.)
  • Yes, treat it like any other stat
  • Yes, but it should be possible to opt out of showing your time played stat
  • No, but make it possible to view your own time played stat privately instead
  • No, don't show the time played stat at all
  • Skip question
Question 17 If a guild's leader stops playing, should there be a process guilds can use to replace them with a new leader?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 18 Currently, a charged lightning bolt will disappear after 15 seconds. Should this time limit be removed?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 19 Should the drop rate of red envelopes be reduced?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question
Question 20 Currently, the server rates only apply to channel 1. Should they also take effect on the housing channel?
  • Yes
  • No
  • Skip question

14 comments (last by Rezi). Log in to post a comment.


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